Sunday 7,
ffiêfè üïèri would take t h é i r ' l a m f l i s l
With aS littlê dppafénfc-êofleeth/af If they vréfe öhfeë each
Othêf. önd.of them was very Wel! underitood’by my mterpretetv and
had refidèÖ among the èatf^ék of the féS édaftj Whop} he had left-but a
"fedft time; According to his- införtn&tiötf, 'WW were ^fepptöacfeiög *a ïivet^
■ which was neither large' nor long, but whofe banks-are inhabited^ and
that in the bay which the fea forms-at the mouth of it, a great wooded
taïióè, with whke'TeöpIëihfiiveS' about the tiÉae>#he« thë
to gfttW; Tprefuthè ifi thë èaHy jiaft ó f May*;' - :
*®“After we parted with thë iaft pn0pte,-We came tó an
and fwatapy country, through which'bur waywaè'tikpëdedhy av^y^
•fiderable number of fallen trees. At five in the afternoon we weredhëtv
% aÜéaVy fhöWet'of taïh ahd hail, and being at the fame-time
very much Mfgiëd, We fefiéafhped förihe night irear a finafl érëëk. Our
fó éiê ; rivet, was abüttt South-Weft ten talles,anti
ihèn-Wèft, ht^veröffetirteen' toÖès; ï thóa£ht-it prudent, h y 'w a y tif
Security, tö Tiïbmh to thé fame inconveniences 1 have already defcribed,
‘ahd Graved: the beavér robe of one o f my guides during the night. I
I wasib buffiy employed hi toflefifing mtéHigehce from bhr cohdue-
m that 1 lift night forgot to wind up thy time-piece, and i f wks the
^óhfy htftatibê’ ó f füch an aft öf hègRgehté’finée I left Fort ©hèpewyan,
m the l ith oflaft Oftdhdf.* A t ' We■ quktfcï^ur-Aadbhi and pkè-
ceeded acrofs two mountains, covered*WTfh fprute/poplar, white bindh,
and other trees. We then defcended into a level country, where We
fbtmd a -good toafl, through woods t>f‘ eyptefs.' We then came to two
I 8 ' fnaajl
final! lakes, at the diftance o f abon-l fopnteten »ije$,.. Oowifeahoid WsO?
Thwngh sthein i^iriv^f-pnflfes., and opr. road ke#t in a. pai^llftl line whh
itson a r<ange # f .elevated ground. } tflr> jrijfeWTtfTifyfliT people n$#
©ur guides hastened t^rnp^t them, and, on their - app roach, .qpp -of
Hepped forward with.ap taxf.iin fils; hand. This patay copfifled-poly fm
a man, two wQ^ten» and,thg lame nujtahff jpf chddre-n. Th® .teWed of
the women, who pr-bbab,I,ys’wa|'} the man’s mother ■ Wk&jpngaged,.y^en • We
joined: them» hf i nlhwfngi a in dti&tabfor*
of the weeds itbat m.fefted. jit ;, .nor did; ourpspivatlpn employj-
'jaaenit, which wasfaKired to the memory-offcbe dead. The fp$t fio whicsh
her pious care was devoid» .obtained! the ;gnwre -of an h ’sltend.j apd a
fan,apdiW'b#®6^ - fee pdfedb'this',wjay, Ihe.always topped -to.’P^y t&ip
•tribute o f affeftion. ;u
■t As .faon as we had taken ,-our morning allowance, we fct 'IbiwardSj anA
jabontthree-we petceivnd‘ mo re. p eoplp. bofoi?e us. f@me alarm we
eamemp whh Jhsta. They nonfilled of;fevon men, as -many wcpaen, and
fcveral children. Here I was under the neeelfity of procuring another
;guide, and we p®n touted our route on the lame fide of the river, till fix
in the evening, when -we croffed it, It was; knee deep, and .about art
jhundred yards toved; I wifhed new fo diop for the night,; as we werp alt
e f ;us .'very much ,fodgtteda but oar .guido recommended ws-. to prooeed-
onwards to aifrnnily‘Qf htsTitiend^at a fmall diftanc^ from »W^P6’
iwe arrived at halfjaaftJfevem die had goned^wward^and iprofumd M&
..-^welcome and quiet reception. There being a net hanging^to^dry, I re-
^quelled the .man to, prepare -and, i f t it rin the. .water,. whiph .he did with?
great expedition,, and then prefented me with a few fmall .diiied filh. , ,C|ur
H i ■ :'/.f.. - . I . - eourfe