bark: this provediavery painfuldreffmg: in alffew days,' böwever,;the
wound was clean,(and ;the proud fle£h, around it ,deftroyed< ;vk wiftiejd
vèry;muhhini this ftate: o f the bufinefs to haves Separated; the thftmb' from
the) hairdo which;!; well knew mufti foe; effected befote .the. cure, coufldbe
performed; buphe would not confent to that operation; tiih'by théi application
of vitriol, the flefh by which the thumb was fufpended, was
Ihrivelled almoftr to a thread. When I badjfniGcefeded in.ithisjifc!bjebl, I
perceived thatj the wound; whs elofing rafhertfafter| than. I defee^ . The
falvell applied on thebccafion was made of;the-Ganfdiao balfaru; |g»p
and tallow dropped; from a burning candle intd, water. ll^rti Ij^jis
fo ISccefsfiil, that’ iabout :Cb^iflmas;;my pati^t 3engdgedïin;aÓ‘ hubfe®®
party, and.brought me the tongue of an elk; ^nogjW&s he h-naftyj ungrateful,.
When he left me I received the warmeft acknowledgments, both"
from Himfelf, and jthe relations, with whom hej | departed, ibr^rny. cgr§ of
iriny-.U certainlyjdid nQt 'fparejihy 'timjB Osr attefttiOcfOn t|p o f f
I regularly dreffeck .his wound: [throe times S day^iduri^g g&oj courfe pf a
/ On the gthin the morning tbe^weather,\yaJ5 calm, clep^anjd ve-ry^pldj
the wind blew from the SbuthfWcft.»;^d ialthe -th^aftesnopiji
it began, to j thaw. $ ILhad alfdadyqfiSfti eyed- at Atfoaftafta^.that, this; ,y?igkd
never failed to bring us clear, mild wfètóhefe wh^reas^yd1^
the -oppofite quarter, it produced ffoow- v i Here pit Js
eeptible, fofif'itihlows .hard.South-Wefts fprfpuj; «kguMlStg A |thg
confequencey and . if the wind, is at Nofth-rEaft it,hring£;£Leet; and fno.^
T o this cauTe it may be attrifouted^thatnthere, is now fo little
this part of the world. Thefe warm winds corny >off tjie Paci^c ;Ocean,
which” cannot, in a' direft .'liraejjfoeLveryffar from us ; ’ the* diftance being1;
fo’fhort, that t’hBugh ashef-' pdP^yePihou'nthn'S-coverfed with' feow, there;
islriod thhetfioEithdifi to cool. rft
ii, Thefe!being ffevocaiI oftlfchfe aaSttSdi^^Ae^horfes'at“this ;tirae^onb of
them; iwhohad Irebeived an aceohnt oftbfo deathofthas father,^procefeded.’
sin1 ufence t^Lhis lodgej arid <-began;fo ftre^offrifoisi guh. R As it-.wasmight;
and ^notfe^^a^^uncoinmoh Sit* fiirih' efn hour, efpbciall^ vShen
it wa§^fo:lbft^orepeated,TifeutMm^hi£ei^^Diwin)^rq iBt0|hfi*oeufe, when heriwas informed b^]die;mah JbA1^3 ia*L d d^ ^!astd^t6.t»dfii
cuftom with them on' tliedqath of - at hear, relation, and was. a warning to
their friends nbt toi approach;tor.uritrude upon them, as1 they wefe, in
oonfequerichrpf theirs lofij? become; ©areleisiOf life. The. chief, to whotoi
the deceafedperfom Was alfo. related, appeared'With his wair-cap on Ids
head, whieforisonly, Worn on; thefe; folemn ©e'ealfons/cteiwhen; preparing
for, battle,;and.confirmed to me: this Angular cuftom of firing guns, in
order to exprefstheir grief for tft#deaith of . felatioJS&f &hd frlendsi^ The
women alonfe indulge in tears on fuchioccafifons; the men confideringvitas
almafk h&pifillahimity t and a #£nf o f fortitude»td ’betray >my. per?-:
fonal tokens' ^of fenfibility or BrFOW. ’ r -
The' Indians informed- me, that thdy hadheeo; tq humt;&ti:a> large lake;
callfcdhy the Rriifteheaux; th©SIh*e?i||'^€l.wliKK derived its name from
that df;its tariginairihhaMtahts,bwho!iwere rcalledvS l^ s r They!» teprfei.*,*
CWhen they are drinkfeg together,,th e i feipie^lJy pre%>t thei%gum|.to^aph gj^er,1 whep.apy p f
the parties have not other means of procuring’ ‘O n 'Tuih an occah^sthfey always difchsrge
their.,piqijesjvias a proof,.,.I imagine, o f . their,being in W * 1 L * ‘ * *'V V-i *.
liq u o r ,the may propofe to .get .in exchange for them.
I l l »
, *793- January;
y's'rr“ —^