Charles Ducette,* François Beaulieux, Baptift Bifloti, Francois CoàftOfe,
andjacqbes Beauchamp, with two Indians as hunters and interprétées.
One o f them, when a boy-, was afed to be foïMIé, that Üè obtained the
reputable name of Cancre,' which he ftill poïïèfles. With thefe peribrts
I embarked at feven in the evening. My winter interpreter, with another
perfon, whom I left here tb take care o f the fort, and fupplytfoe natives
with ammunition during the fummer, £bed tears on the releôiéknof
thofe dangers which we might encounter in our expedition, while my ©w»n
people offered up their prayers that we might return in fafety from it.
* jofcph Landry and Charles Ducettc were with me in ray fornièr voÿage.’
Proceed, on'm& vbj>ajterSf 'Mfdbtkiyi 'Beantifutl fcetteyyt The canoe too
' h'etifaily-Ifct'den; Thetdowhiry in a-ft ate. of co'mbujlidrti Meet'with an hunt-
► ing party-^"State-'of the riter,’-&C(- Meet'imtB Indiana. See the tracks
of bears? c^n'd arte of \thevrJ!d€ns:- Sentiment o f am 'Indian.’ function
p f Iho. Bear River. AppearBh.ce voj* the'country. State iRe'^rivet.
:• i flbfefve- d faWiof’ tiriiberb' ’Abundance? df^drtimdsl Set forn'e 'b'ehrsi
- 1 -Cottieihfgfd- of tke*0fflly 'mountains.': The cdriot titeive^ an irijuiy and
• is 'rtp'dired}s-1 •Nutfigdmj'n dangerous? " Rapids’ am fall'sSticcejfon of
ir'dijfciiMes and dangers.
VV E began our voyage with a febutfe South by Weft againft a ThurHay9.'
ftrong current one mile and three quarters, South-Weft by South one
mile, and landed before eight on an illand for the night.
The1 weather, was-Hear'and pleafant, though there was a kdennefs iri Friday 1 «
the air; and at a quarter paft three -in themorriing we continued our
fteei-ing South-Weft, three quarters, of a mile^ South-Weft by
South onQjjmile-,a^d a»quarterj South three;quarters-of a» mile; South-
Weft by South one quarter of a, mile, fSduth.-Weft by Weft one mile,
South-Weft by South1 Abree mil esp South by Weft three quarters of a
X mile,