Continue ôyf voyage. Thf. ’Wfer fifty SucceJJion o f courfes.
1 Progreffivc account Ms iranch. Leave the'cànoe to' proceed^ and
qjfcend an hilt to reconnoitre.' 'Climb a tree to'extend my' view o f'th e
country. Return to tke-vwer.: The canoe not arrived. Go in fea t ch o f
it. Extreme' heat, mufquxtoes, & t. Increasing anxiety rfM ltin g the
canoe. I t at length appçdrs. Violent fiorm . Ch cumftances o f ‘our pro~
gfcjs. Forced to hdhtl the canoe up the f i r earn èy th ë lrar0ies o f’trety
Succejfion o f courtes._ " Wild parfntps along the'river. E x p ert Jo meet
’ züith iiMiyèsf Gmffes continued. Fall in withfome natukl.] Owr'inter-
coiirfe with them. Account o f their dtefs, armsfutenfils, and manners,
&c. New difceuragéments and difficulties pre/eht them)elves.
Jüne. _ _ _
T.^r^y' / V V E embarked this morning at four in a very heavy fog. The water
had been continually riling, and, in many places, overflowed-ita banks.
The current alfo was fo ftrong, that our progrefs was very tedious^ apd
required the mod laborious exertions. Our courfe was this day, Southr
South-Eaft one.mile, South-South-Weft half a mile, South-Eaft three
quarters of a mile, North-Eaft by. Eaft three quarters of a mile, South-
Eaft half a mile, South-Eaft. by South one mile, South-South-Eaft one
mile three quarters, South-Eaft by South half a mile, Eaft by South a
quarter Öf a rhile1, South-Eaft tHfee qüafteft/ of a röïfe, Nórth-Eaft by
Eaft half a mft'ë, ‘ Eaft by-North a quarter of a nVile, South-Eaft half a
mile, Söuth-Eaft bylSouth a quarter of. a rrfilè, Söuth-Eaft by Eaft half
a rhilef,.North-Eaft by Eaft half a mile,-North-North-Eaft three quarters
of a mile, tb South by Eaft onémile aufd an half. We ediftd ttot find a
place fit for an encampment/ till nine at night/ when wé Mndted on A
bank of gravW, of which little more appeared atböfé Water thaü the Q)Ot
we occupied.'
This morning wfe found our canoe and baggagé in the wtftelr, Which Wednef. 5.
had continued riling during the night. We then gummed thé caftioe, as
We arrived at tbo late an hour to perform that operation on thé preceding
evening. This nécéflary bufiiiefs heftig completed, We traverfed
to the North Ifeore, Whèrte I difeihbarked with, Mr. Mackay, and the
huntefs, 'hr'order to afc’end an ödjacént mountain, with the hope of
bhtaihing a viéw of the interior part óf the country. I direQfed my
people to proceed with all pofliblfe diligence, and thhte/if they met with
any accident, Or found my return riecelftry, they fhould fire twö gütts.
They alfo underftood, that when they fhould heat the fahi'e fignal from
me, they were to artfwer, and wait foEme/iff wéte' behind them.
When wfe had afcëhdèd!tÖ'fhe' fummit óf thé1 hill/ vfë*fbuod that it
-extended7 Onwards fo that, éïicumbéréd as
we weré/with the tHick WoOd,1 no diftant view could1 be obtained ; I
therefore climbed *ï yéry ldfty tfte, from wliOfe top I difcerned on the
right a ridge of ihöuntaiirs cdvè'red With fridw/ beating about North-
Weft j from thence another ridge o f 1 high land, wherëöii no fiiow Was1