fifty, and about thirty founds weight of lliot,' which, indeed, mightbe
converted infobuifets, though- with great ^ f
The mpfie I heard of the river, the moreT was convinced it eould not
emptyitfelf intO-the ocean to the North pf wh&t*i$£alfo{I$he,Kiy§j3pf th$
'y^efijr-fo that with its windings, the diftance muft be very great. . Such
hfiCng the) difcopraging circumftanc,es ,of, my, fituft^op, iwhjch now
heightened by the; djicojltehts o f ray people, TcoUld’natjbut be afarmc^
rat the idea of attempting to get to the.difcharge; of fiich a rapid rivqt;,
especially when I refleaed on the tardy plrogrefs Of ray return up it, even
Jf I fliould, rheet wfehi no' qbjlii&ion from- the natives ;fa c^rcuipflance
pogyejy pfobabjeii&om- the numbe^|}i|f-them,which- wpuldjthpn be on
the and. Whom Leonid hav^jao opportunity of conciliating in’ ^jy
paflage doWn* for .the reafonS which have,beep altready mentioned. At
all events; I muft give up every expectation of returning. th%;feafon to
Athabafca. Such weremy refle&ionsstthis/period.; -but infield iQ£-cQiiT
iinuing to indulge them, I determined to proceed, with.r^qintiprijiand fet
futdre events at defiance.-*- At the fame.time I fuffered myfetifto nourilh
the-hope that I might be able to penetrate with -mdre- lafety/andlin a
fliorter period, to the ocean by the .inland, weftern communication; »i
To carry this projg$: into execution I muft have returned a cpnfiderablq
diftance up the'rrverj which would neceflarily be attended with a, very
ferious inconvenience, rif I pafled .over eyery other; as in a voyage of this
kind, a retrograde motion could net fail to Cool the ardour, flacken the
zeal, and weaken the confidence ofthofe,who havje no greater inducement
in the undertaking, than to follow the, conductor of it. Such, was the
iqf my mind *^|l$ithis period, and fuch the ctncumftances by which ‘ 793*
f June.
was diftrefied andjdiftrafted. <- —
To the people (who had given me the foregoing information, I pre-
fented fome heads, which they preferred to any other articles in my pof-
felfion, and I recompenfed in the fame manner two of them whp commu-
nicated to me the following vocabularyJn the languages of the.Nagailer
and Atnah tribes.
, Tfie Nagailer,
' or Chin-Indians.
Tlfe Atnah.
_ ;or Carrier-Indians,
Ey e,; ; § Nah,: ; Thlouftin.
Hair, ; ThSgah, -, . ., Cahowdin.
Teeth, ! ; GoUgh, ' Chliough.
Nofe, Nenzeh, . Pifax.
Head,; , / Thie, Scapaeay. :
Wood, ’ , Dekin, Shedzay.
Hand, Lah, Calietha.
Leg, Kin, Squacht.
Tongue, Thoula, Dewhasjilk.
Ear, Zach, Ithlinah.
Man, Dinay,.f , Scuynlouch.
Womp, Chiqoui, 3 g Smofledgenlk.
Beayery Zap, 1 Schqgh,
Elk, Oikoy-Beh.
Dog, . Sleing, , Scacah.■
Ground-hog, . Thidnu, Squaiquais,
Iron,. ; .^hlifitcb,.