C H A T T 'E R^'-Vl;
Employ the towifigdme. place ja hke’-the' IndtdhUcfflie
to colleBflint. Their Jhynefs andfufpicions. Current lejeris. Apfkffi-
ance, o f the country. Abundance o f hares. F'wknt form .' ’ Land
near three lodges. Alarm o f the Indians. Supply o f f jh from them.
TMW fabulous accounts: Continue to fee Indian lodges'. * Treatment o f
a difeafe. Mijiaiderflanding with the natives. The interpreter hdrakgiies
them. Their accounts fanilar to thofe we have already received. Theft*
curious conduit. Purchafe fame beaver fin s . Shoot one i f their do§L
The confequence o f that aEt. Apprehenfons o f the worndnl Large
quantities o f liquorice. Swallow's nejtsfeen in Me fr e c ip id is .P a li
in with a fa r ty o f natives Tilling g efe. Circunflances voncerhmgihem.
Hurricane. Variation o f The weathe rKm great. mmhers if*me/e.
Abundance o f feveral kinds o f berries. State of the river dm its
A t five we continued our courfe, but, in a very (hoft tithe, weri?ltnder
thé neceflity of applying to th'e aid of the line, the ftream being fo ftrbng
as to ,|ender all our attempts unavailing to Item it with the paddles. We
pafled a finall river, on each fide of which the natives and Efquimaux
colleft flint. The bank is an high, fteep, and foft lock; variegated with
redp?green, and -yelloW hues. Ftom the continual dripping of 'water,
Parts' of'it frequently fall and break into Imalfe ftöÉy’flakes like flate, but
Atpong them are found pieces of Petro&rM, which bears
a refemblance to yellow ^a% but is more friable. The Englifh chief
idfbfthëW ^* that rocks of a ; fimiïar kind are fckitèrèd:*aBout the
coüfttfy, at the back, of the SlaVe Lake, where the Qhepewyana cbl-
le€Ldoppen !
. > At t^fly^ve had an aft Wind, ancL'the men who had been1-'engaged in
tbwihg, re-embaritéd.* At twelvb we obfervèd a lodge oh thé fide of the
rivet,' and its inhabitants running about in great 'eonfufiori, or hurry.
i®g to the wood^.- >XThïèé ifiieh^wakéd out' arrival',' though theyf;re-
mained at fomediftanb&frorh us, withtheir fobw^and arrows ready to bé
employed ; or at leaft, that; appeared1 t^hë^xhë iaea'they wilhed to: convey
to'us, by edhtïnually fnappihg the firings of thV former, aftd the figns
they made to forbid qur approach. The Englifh chief, whbfeJanguage
they^in fame degree, uaderftood, endeavoured to remove their diftruft
of us ; but till I wént tb them with a prefeht of beads, they" refufed to
htvë any cbmmu nieatibm with biA'k
^When they firft pêrcèivèd'our f§iil, thèy took*us for thé Efquimaux
Indians, who employ a ia.il in their canoes. Thèy were fufpiciöüs of
our defigns, and queftidned us with a view to obtain fóme knowledge3 of
them. On feeing us inpoffeffion of fome of the clothes, bows, &c. which
rnuft have belonged tb‘lome of the Deguthee Denees, or Quarréllérs,!
they imaginedfthat we had killed fome of them, and were bearing away
the fruits of our victory. They appeared, indeed, to bë of the fame