half paft thre^%#'cbhtiaud3 ' bur route,’ withveryfavourable weather.
We palled feVeral places, where fires had'been made b y the natives, and
many tracks wer4 perceptible along the beach'; At feven we were opposite
the ifland where our Peipmican had been' concealed: two of the
Indians Were, accordingly difpatched in fearch> of it, and it ^proved
very acceptable, as it rendered us more independent of the provifions
which were to be obtained by our fowling pieces, and qualified us to
get out o f the river without that delay which "our hunters would‘Other-
wife have required. In -a (hbrt'time we 'perceived a frhoke on rhe ffiiore
to the South-Weft, at the diftance ofihreb fcg^s^^hieh^id 'hpt appear
to proceed from any running fire. The Indians, wh§!lweWsi|litfW way
ahead of us, did not' difcover them, being engaged in the puffuil.'of a
flock of geele, at which they fired feveral !{hots, when the fmokefimme-
■ diately difappeared; and in a fhort time we faw'devdral .of :Jtheuna,lives
run along the fhbre, fome o f whom entered their canbess ''Though.'»we
were ahnoft oppofite to them, we could fiiot'crofc the rivet* without
going further up.fit; from the: ftfength of the current; L therefore Ordered
our Indians to make every pb&Weiefertioh, in order to .fpeak
with them, and wait our arrival. But as fo.ort as our final! canoe lirpok
©ffr we could perceiyfe the poor affrighted people hafieu tQfthe IhorO,
and after drawing their canoes on the beach, hurry into th«woods. It
was paft ten before we landed at the place where they had deferted their
canoes, which'were four in number! * They were fo terrified that they
had left feveral articles, on the Beach’. I was very much difpleafed ■ with
my Indians, who inftead of feeking thelnatives^w^e dividing’ theij property.
I rebuked the Englilh chief with fome feverity for-his conduff,
and immediately ordered him, his young men, and my own people, to
. g°
go ;in fearch;,§f tlif «f4git^i|g^,^bi|Ttheir fears had made them too nimble
^pr; us, and We faw feveral dogs in. ..the
wqod^aWd foipp of themrfoll0iW^4 us to °ur canoe.
e^prelfedg to ,met;in p ^ q n to tbat>;^^%> $ T h is ; was dhe very
opppiftj^yt', Wfe^Cb I wanted, rfPi make him acquainted with jny diffatis-
faftion for fome time Raft« tbatpLh§d;qo^nf: a ,g feat Way*
and Si ‘9^3®^
,©fi:JliyiiWhbpSi, abd t h a t j l 'f e ^ ^ e d i^ 'il&dcifGS^®dfdfjh'f®PlsW ?ap r in c ip a l
•paE%j§f||vhas|3|b| natiyasnhad toIdihimarefp^Ciing^th^ c ountry. /l§flt; he
fe^ ld b p jQ b lig id %n%llpWi4%i «that kil}mgigame<,ftc.
^°PihtiRg.a her; the nat
§yf| jis h^qpgjat;» andthak^fhsdjSRY^k^Yq1! him any paji|%fqr.any fpf-
pipjgns p§qs. TJmfefuggeftippsi^itatedhim ip Ityqr^higllsdfigf^i and he
^ p p p f fd ^ t^ ^ fp e a k i^ ^1 wqjds jtp hi™ > i^ f h a r g e
and .dgf la^djtlial he' did. not xopceal any thing frptn. u,s;j ; apd that as to
eff (j|beisi|ii%tin^sij ofihp poultry,
and the fcarciiy,- which, h^|g^b^Qi,appeared, of animals in it. j|§jit iM
eluded by informing me that he would not (accpmpany me any further;
thpf; though he withput,ammutptlgn^ihft qpigId live^Jnrthe fapaeman-
.®§r,a$, thp'fay^ f^e...nan}e. given, :to- th&f ph^bhapt&ef,«dbat:|Mrt of the
C0U&t&j5)& Anddhafcihq WPivhd reitaipj.an^ng.^em.; jjligjharpngue.ytas
fuccegdediby/adqpd apd bitter lamentatiqp; jand bis reladpns,adi§ed the
yppifer4dqns-i^f bi^,,gpefiidhl?H£hfhsy*:i%M fhah;th^ir te|rgj|fl|owedfpf
ihe ip d ead ,T di(|>PiPS {iqte^pptjh^f&giiffifPfAlYP hours,, but
f cpuld vpptaWPh- dq «whfiopt th e^ ,fI, was atdepgth_ pbljged tp Jpoth ft^and
P induce