February - KicM Piftiim - - - Big Moon; Tome fay, Old
March - Mickyfue Pilhim - - Eagle Möön.
April - Nifcaw o Piftiim *• - Goofe-Moon.
Thcffe people know the medicinal virtues o f many herbs and limpid,
and apply the roots of plants and the bark of ferees with foccefs. But
the conjurers, who monopolize the medical fciehcfe, find it neceffary
td blend myftery with their art, and do not communicate their knowledge.
Their materia medica they adminifter in die form of purges
and elyftets; but the remedies and furgical operations are füppofed to
derive much of their effefl from magic and incantation. When a Milter
rifes in the foot from the froft, the chaffing of the (hoe, &c. they immediately
open it, and apply the heated Made of a knife to the part*
which, painful aS it may be, is found to be efficacious. A fliarp flint
ferves them as a lancet for letting blood, as well as for fearification in
bruifes and fwellings. For fprains,\the döög b f uft animal juft killed is
confidered as the bell remedy. They are very fond of European medicines,
though they are ignorant o f their application: and thofe articles
form a eonfiderable part of the European traffic with them.
Among their various fuperftitions, they believe that the vapour which
is .feen to hover over móift and fwampy places, is the fpirit óf fome perfon
lately dead. They aflb fancy another fpirit which appears, in the lhape
of a man, upon the trees near the lodge o f a perfbn deceafed, whole property
has not been interred with diem. He is reprefented as hearing a
gun in his hand, anditis. believed that he does not return to his reftytill-the
property that has been withheld froni the grave has been facrificed to it.
E xam p les o f tke K n ifte n em x a n d A lgonquin Tongues.
Good Spirit.
Evil Spirit
Man -.m
Woman '
Femalq : /.
Infant . ■ , -
Head -
Forehead -7
Eyes!J c fP r
/Nofe . i.jt'x-
Noftrils .
Mouth „ n
T ongue Ji m }u*$m
Beard - ’U
Brain '*,jr
Ears . rNftfife
Neck. -
Throat - 7
Arms - . -
N a iF
Side .bbjp-.Wp r
My back ^ 7 .J >
My belly
Tfoghs - , -
My knees -
Legs "iJ.
My father ;
My boy (fbn)
My girl (daughter}1
Ki jai ManitotUr *:
Matchi manitou
Ethini .. 7-.* .
Bfquois . -
Nap. hew - -
Nonrgenfe; ,i.
A ’ warn iffi -
Us.ti quoin - t
Es caa tick.
Es kis och -
Oo tith ee go mow
O tonne .. ’ -
Wip pit tah
Michitoune _
With i tip . -
Q.tow ee gie
O qui ow » -
O knot tas gy
Onilk . -
Ghejchee - -
Worths iia
No pis quan t -
0 povam ••
No che quoin nah s
O thea _ -
lNoo.tawie„ - .
Nigah wei .
- Ki jai Manitou.
- Matchi manitou.
- Inini.
- Ich-quois.
- Aquoiß.
7. -Non-genfe
- Abi nont-chen.
- O’chiti-goine.
- O catick.-
7: Wineffis.
- Oflringick.
- O’chengewane.
- Ni-de-ni-guom.
- O tonne.
- Nibit.
-. Q-tai-na-nk
- Qmichitonn.
- Aba-e winikan.
- O-ta wagane.
- O’quoi gan.
- Nigon dagaae,
- O nie.
- Ni nid ginesf.
- Os-kenge.
- Opikegan.
- Ni-pi quomi.
- Ni ray fat.
- Obouame
- Ni gui tick.
- Ni gatte.
- Othai.
- Noflai.
- Nigah. .
- Nigouifles .
- Nidanifs.
o 2 My