'*.753. '■ •'‘Thè/.ofâ man havin g manifefted for ivariousnéiîd*^robâb’l^^ery Talfa-
v——y^=J cious réafons, a very gréait avèrfion!ltô;<âccâ'ra,pany us any further, i'ftÿhd
ilôt appear that there,,Vas Cany necèfikîy to ïbFed'his inclination.'.’ We
now put our arms in order,, which wasfoon ac.compîîîhedr/ as they were
at all times a general öbjeÊÏ of attention. ^
Tuefday s. It rained thfpughout the night, hut at half paft t f â e V'e‘were read^to
embark, when I offered to conduct' theoldmarf Vfiéfb.hehad fuppôfed
we fliould meet his friends, but he declinéd'?the piopdfition: Ttheréfore
dife£led'a fewpöünds bfpemmican- tb beTeft-’^ith him, fb^^ ilipme -
diate fupport, and took .leave o f hiiu.^md the placé/which I named ;Canoe
Ifiand.’ Dùfiüg-ôhr flay there we had.been^bft.ctuelf^it^r^enf^lpy
flifest particularly the fand-fly, Which, I/UthXdifpôlèd to^bnfideFiis^the
inoft tornienting infeâ of its fize in torture.* I was àlfb cöftpelted to
put the people upoiiüöiort allowance/4 ând(cbrifiife^tflëlh içr'tWQ .meals
a-dayi a regulation peculiarly WenfiVe to aï,G a n a < lr | |^ | |^ ^ c:ö ‘rie
o f thefe,meals \ÿas cpmpofed o f the^clrie’d !rbw$ ‘of filh, ïpô'unded, and
boiled in water, .thickèripd with a fmàll quantify ôf^ffour, àhd. fattened
with1 £ bit o f grian. Thefe ârtides, beihg^robfhf tv the JcéfcfijfÆçy
bf an: haffy pud^ng; produced a fubfthhtiaf àrid^éttinplèifaiit dilh.
The natives are very careful of the rows of filh, which they,dry5, and pr’è-
ferveinbalkets made ofjbark. Thofe weufed Were found in the huts of the
firft people who fifed frotfl fis. During;our abode ip Canbe Ifland, tb§ watbf
funk three perpendicular feét. I now gàve thé. mép. a dram each, ?whic^
could not but be confidered, at this time, as a very comfortable treat.
They were, indeed, in high. fpiri% whéwthëy; perceived? tne fupertpr,
excellence of thé new veffel, and reflèéted that' it was tfie work of their
own hands.
At eleven wé arrived- at the rapids, arid the foreman^ Who had riot
forgotten the fright he füffërëd on coming doWtf it, pröp'óféd fliat the
c46ó'e and lading ffiould be car ried over the mountain. I threatefied him
wdh taking the office óf foreman on myfeif, and lu'ggéllécl 'ïhé evident
change there wa^ in the appearance of the Water indé Wë paffed it, which
upbni ‘exaföimatioé ,Md * funk fo u r feet and ah half. As the water did
not feem fo ft®dpg on Eh#;Weft fid@> I determined to- itrofe over, having
firft put Mr. Mackay, and öür two hunterSj oil fhore, to try the wdods
| W e é tc o id ip ^ y trivérfed^ èMd got up! clofe alorig thd rocks/
{f°nfi^erable diftancb, with thé paddles, when we could proceed no
• Vbhout aftiftance.from the line; and to draw it acrols a perpendieVlftb.
i^l^ibi': die diftance of fitfky Fathoms, appeared to be'a&infiir-
mb»Bitablie- obftaele. . T he general opinion was to return, and carry on
tfe.étfer fideiJ Idefiitedi hewievser,. two o f the men to take the line, which
Was fevehty fehoms hr length,, with affflall r o l d f bark, and endeavour to
dinib u p the rbckfe^ftdm whence they were to defeend on the other fid# o f
that which oppofed our progïëfs ; they Were then to fallen the end o f the
line to th.e.r'oH' o f bark, which the current would bring to u s ; diis behtg'
effeHéd, they would , be able to draw us up. This was an enterprife o f
dftfibplty andfdangeri b u t ifi was crowned -with fuccdsj though to get to
the wat-erfe edge above,, the men were obliged to fel themfelves down
witfii the line, rub round a tree, from the fummit o f the röcfc. By a repetition
of thé fame operation/ we at length cleared the rapid, with the'
additional trouble Of carrying the canoe, and unloading at two cafcadës.
Wp were not more than- two hours getting up this' difficult part o f the
river, including; the time employed in repairing- an hole which had bee®
broken in the canoe,' by ..the negligence of the fteerfman.
O o Here
H U a i