return in three nights; He accordingly .left us, andhis companion,*dhe
young chief went with him/ n
■ When we landed,* the tide was going out, and, at a qüarter paft »four it
was ebh, itfae«v^ater having ifellen in that fhort period; étóvJh/Ieef.'and
an half.* Since we not a quarter-of an houdhkd paftedin
which we= did not' fte por-pdifes> and, feaaöttbrsv ‘.Soohafitér ésmf%vWas
high water; which •rendereditlne^ffabpthait -our baggage ftiouldbe fhifted
feveral times; though not1 tilWiane iof. the- thiags had»beemiWqttcdiy St
We were now reduced: to the neceflity o f looking author frelh watér,
with which we were plentifully fupplied by the rills that ran down from
the mountains.i
T When it was daih the ^c^ngo chief reMifcid; tdtn^;ia,lölgé
porcupine oh hi&ïbaék. He^fijrft tjupthp animal “^en-,» and havirig ;dif>
encumbered it pf lliqentikils;;threw ftheni imdjthedea^faie/thqn ftngdd
Ks Ikin, and boiled it in feparat%piefi0?j^s»Qnf.TköMte Wa.fh^Thftici^dy
capacious to contain the whole: nor did he/gc^fö'Jreft'WtiM, with'the
affiftanoejpf twnof my,people who» happened to .bo awake,'-e^ery ipWifel
of it was devoured.
I had flattered rnyfelf with the hope o f getting a diftance o f the moon
and ‘ftars, but the/cloud y weather 'continüallydifappóinled me, and ‘I’
began to fear that I fhould fail in this important .bbj^fl ;' particularly as
our provifions were at a very low ebb, and webad, as,pet, no reafon. to
expefbany saffift&nce from the uafci'V£s%,;;,Qu>rfl:ock;was,at thistime, reduced
to twenty pounds weight of, pemmican, fifteen»: pounds of rice,
and fix, pounds, of flour,-among ten half-ftatved men, in a leaky veflel,
and.on *a barbarous- coaftj Our cowfe from, the river was about Weft-
South-W eft,.diftaficer ten-mileSi' [ r
in At,forty minutes paft four this morning it was low Waterj,which made
fifteen ftel? perpendicular height below the high-water mark of laft night.
Mr. Mackaypcedlefted a quantity of final! mufeles.-which.» we boiled.
Our .people,;did- not partake tof.this regale, as they are whplly un-ac-
qdamtrf witfefed:&ellt6ih; < ©uafjyqung chief being milfingy,,wqfmagiaed
that he had taken his flights, but, as we were preparing to? depart; he fortunately.
naaflft his .appearancp from thefwQodSj wfieife he, had been to,
fake his reft after his.feaft of laft nights f »At fix<We were upon,the water;
when w© cleared; the,fm&ll buy; which wfe burned!/Ifiorbupine ;Cpy$> and
fleered|,Weft-Soubh-Weft for- fdyene miles(; ■ \yeJ thenjppqmedia,chanaei
ah^btrtwo.-;miles apd a n fe lf wide at Sonth-iS©uih-Wcftj,,and had a view
often o'r twdlyo miles. into ite *> As;IjfipuIds oqtfafeertain the>diftance, from
the open feu» and heiag uncertainrwhcthertwei were in# bay pq, among
jnlets , a^d jChanhefe <5£-jifl#rysL§^L confined; mylfearch tq# proper place
for,-takirig an obfervation.- ; ,We fleered, .therefore, along the Jand?qn the
leff^ WeA-North'Wfift, a<mile-.pnidanthatlf$5 t,he%|i(|o^th-^ef^pijq fpurth
o f a tpilfe apd^orth three miles, to an iftand, thp sland cpnpnumg to
run .Npr^Nqrih-Wffi) then afqng, the ifland, Spufh-S©pth7Weft‘ halft#
miIe,A^e%fa mile^anfifan balfyyand ftom^fiepce^dir^y^^cr^j to. the,
land on, the left», (where I haq'afi altitude,), South-Wgfl.jjj.fhree,.miles.*
* The &aga prJP6int- Menzies of; ‘Vancouver ,
Sunday 2 *.