and Madia ftatefoquifflrityoF goods; «oixfidered as fufficienb '.for .«heir
wanj%their -^agessbeihg’ ifreiin one to three t-houfand livres;;; "The canoe
mén fare krfy t#p* defcriptions, ifeeemeh' iarifo ïftbetfirièn, and ifoiddlemesir*
Th^.itwo firft. Were Mlowed annually héetfooüfanfotyrafoundred, and the
latter-four .hundred, foforfo each,; | The firft clafs had what hs- e^ifed aax
eqfopfoénL *eonfiftfog'©f two blanket®;:; two fliirts, two pair of trowfers,
two ha®dkei«Me&;i fourteen, pounds,of b^rrotitobaeco; and Ibmerriïfc^
articIesi>ii'|Th^||atter had tm^ounds fobfeecp.- and'uH; the jotiter articles:
:thofe>ane*calIfd,North Menyot.WMatoners; and tontherlafoólafoof
peÖjdef?wehe attached ri*p\^ar-ds ^ofufeteit/hundred Iffidkn; wonaeniand
children* wiffodflelGhat foehexpimee ;©£foe:Compariy.u,a
TJfli'fifft clafkof people are Hired in Montreal jfive afieoothsihefoisr they,
let ïrtftptand revive their, equipments, daid one third? of their wages in
advance; and an adequate idea jqE the dabour they. rtanlfogo’/fflajirfeè?
formed firOmhht following account o f the country through : which it-hey*
pgfê, and their manlier of proceedings
f ‘irhe fif$cefla,ry- number -of canoes being purch&fed, at about three hundred
liVfèS ëaèh, the goods formed into* packages; and. the lakes and
rivers -fine é f iefe; Which they ufually are in the beginnintg o f May, they
arè thé» difpatöfeedsifoom La Ghinéj'eight ifole^j£feim>^ontEeah with
etght-op-tcn *meii iq each canoe, and their bagg-agfo a id liocty-fivepaek^
ages rif gOe^fafi^hu-ndfed weight ioljhtfctnti'itwo hondred fweigbt ofi
pork, forfeefod (hels of peafe, for :foe metis pnovifibn;1 two fofcltofos to.
cover the goods, a fail; &c. an axe, a towing-line, a‘ kettk,?and afpöngè?
to bad out the water, with a tpiantky -^ gum i bark, and watapej to
OF THE FUR; TRADE, &c. xx»x
tepaif the iveffel; 1 tAn^Euxopeah onfeeing one ofthefc ftendpr vedels thus
ladeni hekpe# up, and fonk widi bex; gunwale within .fix inches of the
waw?JvmuM«think^hisrfofo ipevitabte in finch «a boat, when he reflected
oH'thednatoresofiheri Vqyi^ge; biut foe Canadians are lb expert that few
accidenjsihappeh. ? s b'/t*
Leaving La:>Cbi»e, - they proceed, to SL Ann’s, within two miles of
tfe:Äeftern;)extre*iMty of i foe; ifland of Montreal; the lake of the two
mouhtains beirig in, fight, which may he termed the commencement of
the-Utawas iRtsex. At the rapid o f St. Ann they are obliged to take
out part, if n©*4fejdtofo;ofrÖ^.rlajhj(ig. It isifrom fois ipot that foe
Canadians confidexfoey take foeijedeparture, as it pojfleffes the'lalt church
on thefoland,,,which is dedicated,to the tutelar , faint of voyagers.
;,:iThe:lake,of foe twotinounifcaius js about twenty miles long, but not
móretha» fo r^ ow Ä , ;and ;fuxronnded J^jcuftivafod fields; except foe
Seignoryjbelonging't-ofheelerg'y,'though nominally in poffeflion o f foe two
feribesaof: •Iro^uokyandAlgonquins; whole vilfageis-fi;tua|ed on a.delightful
point of dändundex th«hilk;-whiohV by foe/title Of mountains, givea name
fosfoeialce. Nfiarêbekxtremiiy]of;foe ffeant nhjMC-fiimrdö^fofldï, which
divides foe village in two parts, forming a regnlar angle along the water
fide.. On the.Eaft is the ftation of the Algonquins, and on the Weft,
one of -foe IroqUoiÄ, ^orffting in; all of about five hundred, warriors.
Each party hasits miffibiiary; and divine, woxfhipids perfomed dcGord-
ing to foefTtes o f fo.e Roman Catholic religion, in their r.efpe6èive lan-
guageSfVsn; thé famsrsehutfcb:: .japd do afiduous have foein paftors been,
foatifoétó ’people foavsèfoeé» iirftrufteddn reading and writing in-their