V O Y A G E,
^ .C H A P T E R ' I.
Embarked at Fort Chefewyan, my the Lake of the Bills, in company with
M. Le Roux* "Account -ofthe party, provifions, &c. DireEuton of
- me CQufjlp, a Enter one„dfthey branches, of Jhe Lake. Arrive in the
” Peace River. Appearance of the land;. Navigation of the river. '0rrive
at the mouth of the Dog River.' Succejfv&defcription offeveral carrying
places. * A,canoefof in one of the Falls, yfneamp on Point de Roche.
' 'Wytrfe coiitihued. Set, the ndk'&c. Arrive* at the Slave Lake. The
”r -weather extremely ‘cold.. . Banks of the river deferibed, with its trees,
\Xfgil, &c.f Account fof the animal productions, and the fifhery of the
Lake. I Obliged to wait till tfo moving of the ice. Three famines of
Indians arrive from Athmafm^ Beavers, geefe, and fwcpnskilledk The
Wjiets Endangered by, ice. Re-imbarkK and land on afnall ifland. fourje
v continued along the fhores, and acrofs the bays of the Lake. Various
; -Succejfes of the hunters. Steer for an ifland where there was plenty of
cranberries and fmall onions. Kill federal rein deer. Land on an
i/land named IJle a la Cache. Clouds, of mufquitoes. ,
W e embarked at nine o’clock in the morning, at Fort Chepewyan, «—I
f- f ( ’ f I $g 4 t . , I ; Wednef. 3«
on the Sou® fide of the Lafc^df tKe’ 'Hills, in la t itu d e s . 40. Iffor®,
and longitude 110. ‘30. Weft from Greenwich, and compafs has fixteen
B degrees