fotme^;was :ap>idifcharged fromuarli dM^9;TO^b©camdmdotrfir\aafefeatS-
ner. .^fiiioviiiiteate rtttpm&deddftr; at the beginning
of the contraft, fucceeded in fyeoe{i4njlfei»vlie^?r^|^r aid adypl-
itageseof .partners.; Com pany’s fervice forfiveor
^tea'T^rs, uqiiacsfi^h exRdfia^^syaad^lj^feajGa^^e
feldoi»difappoiat^ : ithere ^wfiiis, {dg^qdfd
;ioiffiarcs^jbefoTertbeir japprentiefiPiipiw^tp^pjtgdi^d^ %g^ug$itlyih%p-
TjJto*£jFtbat tbey.l^ep’e gfjfrijiijgd
clerkfhip. i, Shares were transferable only to tbMiQ^fWr11 !a> ^aTSe4 afjjft?
pcrfpn- eoul& be admitted , as a partner who* had-n^t'd^yed hi^ jtjimp to
the trade. $ The dormant partnerindeed:hdghtdijtpjdM’t<drh^fiil#5|eih to
aoyj toe, he chofe, hut i f the^tranfa^jofn were not acknowledgedibj^hja-
a.fl<iw?ia,te5i3 the purchafer could only .beepnlbiff^d
peyer Eyery ifti^reshad a.yote^andtwo third ^W d - a p ^ 9 fia0'. ,* WM$
regnlar and equitable mode of providiBgjfo^kbp ^rkFMt^ihi; company,
exciiedu fpirioofr emulation * bribe difcfeggp P ? then» va!#W§j4PAf%4?l^
in iadt, made 'every agent a principal*, wbo.perceiygd bj§, IPf^fpMdf
to be immediately, connected with tha$. of-hijs emjdoygrs, dndegdjj^di,-
out Rich a fpirit, fucb;a trade could not hayerbegqjineif^xl^idedTdP^
sadvantagebusras it has Peep, and now, is.;/ .
■ In 1788*1 the grofs amount of tbe^adventu^evlbr .tbeiyedf
ceed forty thoufand pounds,* but by the exertion* enterprifei.and induftry
o f the proprietors* it wa$ brought in felavmr^aaiiai. fot
• * This might be pEOp'erly,.called,the.ftockvq£ .the, c.ompany; aspirin eluded-, with the.£xpenditure of
the year, the amount o f the'jrfSperfy unexpended, which had been appropnatetffdr the adventure of
that year,- and was caftied -on ho ihe accoifnC o f ■ th'e'ffollowihgCadyehtQre.';' V
amount and upwards; yielding proportionate profits, and furpafling, in
fhort, any thing known in America. fcq|MW ,-# /•<.
Such, therefore, being . the profperous date of the company, it;
very n»tu rally, tempted, others to interfere ‘wjth the concern in a manner
byy.noi means beneficial toi the company*’ and . commonly ruin*
oils to the undertakers. sj
. .-In 17^8 the:concern underwent a new form, the .{hares were inereafgd
torfqytyi-fix,5 now partners bebtgL ^dnutied, < and fothenf retiring. This
period was the termination o f ?tfre ^company, whiehiwas.not' renewed
by all the parties concerned init*t the majoritycontinuingto:.a& upoti
the old}-ftpek,. and under; did; old firm;': -tbe> othbrs hegitming a^new
ope ; aid if jnpw .^remains, to be decided, whether two parties, under
the fame regulations and by .the fame exertions., though ,u nequal irj number,
cap conljpue^ocarry on• tbe?ibufin<^i§o a fucQe&M.iJBrue.: The
contrary,opjmoa has be®a:held* which,, if .^e^fiedrwHlciuakeft the in-
tereft o f the parries again to coulefee; fOr?n@*thpr,is defieienfcdn capital
tp fupport thgir obftinacy in a lofing trade, as it is not to be fuppofed
that either will yield on any other terms than perpetual participation.
E will pgt Bif fnperfluous in this place, to explain the general mode of
carrying dn< the fur trade.
The-agents are . obliged to order the neceflary goods from England
in the month o f 0 £iober, eighteen months before they can leave Mon-
treal; that they afe' not {hipped from London until the'fpring-following,