.. which gave £2. 15. North latitude, j We lauded at feven ,in the evening,
and pitched our tents.
We continued our voyage at five in the morning, the weather calm
and fine,- and pafled the lfle a la Cache about twelve, but could not perceive
the land, which was fcen in our former paffage. On paffing the
Carreboeuf Iflands, at five in the afternoon, we faw land to the South by
Weft, which we thought was the. oppofite fide of the lake, ftfetching
away to a great diftance. We landed at half paft fix-, in theevenkg*
when there was thunder, and an appearance of change inrthe weather.
It rained and blew hard the latter part of the night. „ A t half paft five
the rain fubfided, when we made a traverfe *pf twelve miles, tind took in
a good deal o f water. A t twelve it became «aim, when I had an
obfervation, which gave 6 k 36. North latitude. At three .in the afternoon
there was a flight breeze from the Weftward, which fopn- increafed,
when we hoifted fail, and took a traverfe of twenty^four miles fer the
point of the old Fort, where we arrived at feven,and^oppgd jfor the
night. This traverfe Ihortened our way three leagues ;, indeed we
not expefil to hate cleared the lake in fuch a fhort time..
R blew with great violence throughout the nightj and at four in the
morning we embarked, when we did not make more than five miles in
three hours without flopping; notwithftanding we were Iheltered from
the fwell by a long bank. We now entered the fmall«river., where
the wind could have no effeft upon us. There were frequent Ihowersin
the courfe of the day, and we encamped at fix in the evening.
The morning was dark and cloudy, neverthelefs.we embarked at five;
but at ten it cleared up. We faw a few fowl, and at feven in the even.-
fog went on ihbre for the night.
‘ 7*9(
Friday 4.
The weather continued to be cloudy. At five we proceeded, and at Saturday 5.
eight it began to rain very hard. In about half an hour we put to
(bore, and were detained for the remaining part of the day.
It rained throughout the night, with a ftrong North wind. Numerous Sunday 6.
flo'cki of wild fowl pafled to thé Southward: at fix in the afternoon, the
rain, in fome meafure, fubfided, and we embarked, but it foon returned
with renewed violence ; we neverthelefs took the advantage of an aft
wind, though it' eoft us a complete drenching. The hunters killed feven
geefe, and we pitched our tents-at half paft fix in the evening.
.^ We Were on the water at five this morning, with an head-wind, ac- Monday 7.
companied by fucceffive fhowers. At three in the afternoon we ran the
canbé- ön a dtump, and it filled with water before (he could be got to
land. Two bours were employed in repairing her, and at feven in the
-evening we took our ftation for the night, i
•-*We renewed our vöyage at half paft faun in a: thick mift which lafted T?eC<by 8.
tiff ltefine, when it cleared away, ?atid ;ln:e weather fueceeded, At three
in tïfe 'afternoon we came to the firft carrying-place, Bartage. des, Noyes,
and encamped at the upper end of it to dry our clothes, fome of which
were almoft rotten.