I7®9- circumference ; and we were Obliged to throw ourfëlves flat on tKe
1— w-—f ground to efcape being wounded by- the ftdnes that -were haided, about
in the air like fend, The violence'of the fform, howfevèr, fubfided in a
feort time, but left the Iky overcaft with tho,appearance1 ©frain. $
Sunday 26. It Gained from the preceding evening to this morning, when we" embarked
at four o-’dock. At eight wo landed at three/large Indian
lodges. •T h e ir inhabitants, who were' afleep,. expreffedjffûncommon
alarm .an d ’agitation when, they wem awakençd by us,‘ though moll of
them, Had ttln us. before. Their habitations were crowded with' fife*
hanging to dry in. every part; but as we wanted fpme for préfent^ufe,
we fent their young men. to vifit the nets/ and .they returned with, abundance
o f large white fife, to which the name has been given o f pûiffon
inconnu ; feme g f a round feape, and green colour ; and a few white
ones.; all which were very agreeable food; Some beads, and a few other
trifles, were gratefully received in return. Thefe people are very fond
of iron work of*any kind, andmy. men purchafed,fever'al ©f their-articles
for fmall pieces of tin- •
There were five or fix perfons whom we had: not feenfeefore; and
among them was a Dog-rib Indian, whom feme: privait©
driven from his country. The Englife chief underftood him as"well as,
one of his own. nation, and gave the following; account.‘pf their rçon*
He had been informed by-the people with whom he now. lives, the
Hare Indians, that there is another river on the other fide of the mountains
*a>ths t;o fefu Sp.uferiWeff,*;-wbich' fells, into the Belhdvplay Toet qr White-
-anan’-s Lake, in c@mpahifen|pfewhxd%<,ehab;on whole banks we then were,
.was bM a ; that the erydarge,vanc||ferywicked,
and kill ,ccm^rpon,^eeL,^%’ theif^;es ^th^ttAh^y make canoes larger
than otars; that- inhabit th©,entrance of it kill a kind of beaver,
the fkin ©f which, is almoft red; apd thakferge canoes, often frequent it.
As^ there is im.k§©wn communication by water with this river, the natives
who/aw it yrgnt, over .the mounfeinsi
Ah he ntentiqged. -that there p a y e r s in this par^ of the
country, J told himto hunt it,,-andi,d|^re%the Others: to do the fame, as
well, asjj the' martens, foxes, beayefreater or wolvereen, &c:'which they
rpightcarry {q barter for iron with his .own .nation, who are fupplisd
wife/gq®d.s by u^ ;n®a® feefe .country. He-wasjanjxiqps. to know whe-
^er^weifeouldrgtur-m feat way: at fee fame time he-iofo feted .us.that
we feould-fee but-few of'the natives along the/, fever, as young men
were engaged in killing rein-deer,jngar^he, Efquimau^Lake, which, he
atfe, feife was at.no g^eat (Maiicel;/ The latter he reprefetjte^ as ypry
treacherous,,andaadd6d, .that they had^dilledj^^eyQfi.hislpeg^le. He told
ns likev|^ffeat fojne plan j>f, revenge, wasrne,i|itatiog,,un‘I-efs the offending.
party paifea ffefejent jj.rice_.for thefeody o f the ihn-rdere,d perfen.
1 iMyJndians jWfer,e yery; .anxious to poffefs themfelves/of a woman that
Was yfith thepg,tiye,s, but, as they w g r^ p t ,^dling,jo/part with her/ [
interfered, to prevent her being taken by fp|Ge:*t ip‘4eed l was Obliged to
■ exercife the utmoff vigilance, as the Indians whp accompanied me were ever
ready to take wha;t they could ft0®1 the natives,,with©ut;making .them any
, Al 2 return.