through that long and wide-extended continent, to the ftrait that fepa-
rates Afia from America, over which they paffed to the adjacent iflarids
and continent of the latter. Our fituation, at length, is in fome degree
fimilar to theirs: the non-exiftence of a pradicable paffage by fea, and
the exiftence of one through the continent, are clearly provëd; and
it requires only the countenance and foppórt of the Britifh Govern-*
ment, to increafe in a very ample proportion this national advantage,
and fecure the trade of that country to its fobje&s.
Experience, however, has proved, that thiè trade, from it^ é i^ ’hatóre
cannot be carried on by individuals. A very large capital, Or ictaBi* é t
indeed both, is neceffary, and confequently an aflociation o f men of
weakh to dkeö, with men o f enterprife to a6t, in one common hiéeféR,
muft be formed on fuch principles, as that in due time the latter may
focceed the former, in continual and progreffive fuccellion. Such was
the equitable and fuccefsful mode'addpted by the merchants fromjCa-
nada, which has been already defcribed.
The jnnftion of luch a commercial aflociation with the Hudfon’s-Say
Company, is the important meafore which I would própofé, and the
trade might then be carried on with a Very fuperïör aëgreé o f advantage,
both private and public, under the privilege of their charter, and
would prove, in' faff, the compléte fulfilment-öf thé' conditions, Oh
which it was firft granted.
It would be an equal injufiice tö either party to be excluded from the
option bf foch an undertaking; for if the one has a right by charter, has
not the other a right by prior poffeffion, as being focceffors to the fob.
of France, who were exclufively poffeffed o f all the then known
parts ofthis country^ before; Canada was ceded to Great-Rritajn, except
the coaft o f Hudfon's Bay, and' having themfelves been the difeoverers
of a ya# extent o£ m m ity Mme added to his Majefty’s territories, eve»
to the Hyperborean and the Pacific Oceans ? ,•
’ If, therefore, that company fhould define, sor be averfe to engage
in, fuch an extenftve, and perhaps hazardous, undertaking, it would not,
furely, be an urireafonable propofal to them, from government, fcri give
up a right which they refofe to: exercife, ©a ^ftowiog them a juft and
reafemabte inefemaificari'OR.ifor their flock, regulated .by the average
dividends of a certain number of years, car 5 the, actual price at which
they transfer their ftock. .
By enjoying the privilege lof the company’s charter, though but for a
limited period, there are adventurers who kcpld be willing, as they are
able, to engage in,; and .tarny qa the prqpofed .commercial undertaking,
as well as to give the moft ample and fatisfefitory fecurity‘f|o government
for the fulfilment of its contra 61 with the company. Itwould, at thefafee
time, be equally necefthry py add a find! at privilege pjf,trade <?a tfte
Columbia River, and1 its tr&utaf ƒ 'waters.
If'however, it fhould appear that the HudforfVBay Cpmpany have an
exclu-five right to carry on their, trade .as they think proper, and con?
tinue if on the narrdVfcale]iand wi.éhlmiftlp b e n e f i t ' publjc as thèy
now do; if they fhould rCfufe to enter into a co-operative junfiion wkh
ft G others,