mation- was troe/ahd^appteared to Me -’ijhat a ftejtee^a^paa^®fiie
alarm 5 ‘ but vri*£% day^&ppeared, it proved ~ti? -be*. atfoMv' grey-hairevfi
bltedWnpVrifo ifedvbgfeir compelled* tte leav&trhil^bidingiptec&by^x^
treitteHbut^F|>beiHg-t^‘iMfi¥m t0 toBfl^Siro
WIIohi h^ldLddggd/'f When I put my'-hand on this fcbj&fcriif: decaying
uatdre, Ms alarm Was‘fo great, that I expected it would hawe thrown him
int& fcopvulfionS.u*' I immediatelyded&him totour firewteehhadbeyi juft
lighted, and gave him- fomdthing feo<eat, which; h^Mueh :kanted,Ms ' he'
-had -not tafted food for two daySfif*!<tybed bis hungdl-fWas fatisfiedi and he
had got Warm and*competed, I requefted4 iim'4 o aequaint me with-the
fcaafe of that .Marm whMM had taken piaee rdpetlingnas among his relations
and friends, whofe Tegard’>we appeared to have-conciliated but a
few days patty*! He replied, that very foon aft er we;had lMt; them- fome
natives:amved. from ;above, who informed them that we W£re;enemi:esi;
and our unexpected return,:in direft contradiction t©4ouf t owh de.clara-
tipns, rGonfirajed them in. that opinion. They were now,-he feid, - fo
fcatteredj that, a .eonfiderable time, wouldf elhpfe,i btf&re «-they, .cduld
meet again. We gave him the-real biftoxy-of our. return, 'as,j|W£]J,as
o f the» defertion of our guide, .and, at the. faipe time, ftated the
.fibility of.our proceeding, iinlefs we procured, amative, fo, eondu^us.
-He replied, that if he had not foil his lights,he would .with the greafoft
aeadihefs-haveM-e©*npanied us on onrjburnejp., Ho:alfo:confomed the
accounts which we had.receivfid:, ^vthe Teountr.y,i'3nd .the roufotosbe
Weftward. I did.uof ;negle6l to . employeyery argument .• inmy.po w*ar,
that he might beperfuaded ©four friendly difpofitions to the? »habitants
wberefoever we might meet them»
At fun-rife we perceived a canoe with one man in it on the oppofite
fide o f the;river,and at our requeft, the blind man called to him to come
tous,bu:tJie returned no anfwer, and continued his courfe as fall as he
could paddle dWn the current. He was confidered as a fpy by my men,
«nd I was confirmed in that opinion, when I faw a wooden canoe drifting
witMthoftteamteiofe in ttetheotherfhofo,’where it Was more than
probable that fomeof the nativeSmight be concealed,- It might, therefore,
have be'en an ufelefs ten’tfefprife, !or perhaps fatal -to the future fuccefs o f
- bur undertaking, if we had ptirfued*Ihefe^peopie, as they-might, through,
fear, have empldyed fiheir arms agiainft us, and provoked us to retaliate.'
5 Thb old man informed;foe,-that feme of tfe fla^ivds whoth I hatdfebn
höre Wfere^gbhb u|# the ;fiverjta l# Ä e& whom Ifaw below haft left their
lateftation to gather a? robt fn1 the ptMhsywhichy When dried, forms a
eonfiderable»a£ticle hrtheiF winter ffocrk of prbvifions.* He had a woman,
he faid, with him, who ü fed- to fe# us Walking along' the fmafl adjoining
river, but when he called her he received no anfwer,- fo that- Me had prfti
bab'ly fled to'join her people. He informed me, alfo; that he expefted
a confifterabffe number o f his tribe to come on the upper part of the river;
ft) dä]behrfifh' for fldih prefent fupport, and< to‘ cure theriä 'föfr thüsir wiriteir
ftore ; SaMbng %hbm-‘he had a fob and twd> brother^-
In Tóürffeqaenee of théfeveómmuHfoaticms, -b dueMedriëalfo^ëthêr un-
fteceflary to lofe any more time at this place, and I informed the old man
that he 'maft accompany me for the purpofe of introducing us to his
friends and relations,- and- that if we met' with'* hik fon%r brothers, I depended
upon hiitP to'perökdeUhêm* orfome-ofiheir paitty^fo attend us
a s>