the ©eft minute »t£ention, sad tw© ©f thgj»,'a§T wasrtow informed, belonged
tp th(§ people whom wo firft few, and wh© fied wkh fo much
ajaiga !§£»#©* tî^&ey-wsfB .R» terrified on ifeftt
occafion, as 1°! ^p#î°,4<îb ?tbeir feujs foy di^yM >ypd . swbep
tjhj^y YpnJinredih^bef-, they Ipupd the greafcp- part efsl^Çfippwtyidft-
Jàpoygd*. by îb§ &re mupingui? \ tbe gffippd» t& A*?£®rd##§ m :4 é >>' fl®»
SOSint, they fWeF8 ©f i a difi^efl'ÿjêfte
their languag? from tfept pf-tbf^agailas or CaF?iert e ®r%,ga|ïid-
Nafcud Hepee.1 Tfe?ir Ipdggs were•.•§£fome didance, on a ,ÇpwU . Jakg,
whet^ they take Mi, ppd if ,©nr guide had not g©n§ f©rthem th fre^ e
ffioyJd PQt havp fee© anhpmanhe-ing Oft thg flyer,; Thpy ipfpppftsd ©P
that thg rç*ad hy their habitation j$ the .fhortoft, and they prop©f©d f e t
w© flîQijld take it.
At an esrly hq«r this ©oming, and at the fngi^PO: of ftdt gbid^
we proceeded to the landing-place that leads s to .the Hungers Ipdgps.
Qyr great difficulty hern was to procure a. tempofiary fepamdon
frosa o®- ePsppaBy, ia order tp bide feme arheles w&re#aid hot carry
with a s, andwhich it would haye been impradePtrto l©a»e hi the; power
o f the natives. Accordingly Mr. Mackey, o f pur Ipdiaps emr
harked with them, and feon run ont of* our fight. At our firft hiding»-
place wo left a bag of peromican, weighing ninety poandsiitwcspags §>£
wild riee, and a gallon Jseg .&£ gunpowder. 3 Previous tsoir,putting
thefc articles in thegnound,we roiled tbemupin oil cloth, iand dreffsd
leather. In the fécond hiding-place; and guarded with the dame rollers,
we hid two bags of Indian, corn, '©r maize* aaad a halp of different articles
of «îerchandife. * When we had completed this important objafh, swe
•proceeded tijl half naff eight', when we fandedat; the entrance o f a fmall
rivulet, where our friends were waiting &
|§ Here 4t was nec&flkry that we ffiDulddeavjr onr canoe;and whatever we
faouM not c^irry! on our bbcksJ Inth®;fiT& place; rtheyefisre, we prepared
a ftage, on: which the canoe was piaeed bottom upwards, and (haded by
aicoveringof final! trees and brancbes/ torkeep her from the fyn. We
then built' an oblong hollow Square,' ten feet by five, of green Jogs,
wherein we placed every article it was neceffary for us to leave here, and;
covered the whole witb large- pieces of timber.
White we were eagerly employed in. this neeeffary bnfinefs, Our guide
and hi's companions were fo impatient to‘be gone, that we could not pei*-'
fnade fehe foikifor-ta w®it till we were prepared for ©#r departure* and we
had foinejdifllddlBy in perfMding »bother of the native# td remain; who.
had ufotfert&i>k to 0 6 nda€l its where the guide had prbtttiteddo Waitfoue
At no©» we weretn *a ftate o f 5preparation, t© enter the woods, an
undertaking of which I fhall ftot here give any preliminary opinion* but
leave thofo who read it tojudge for themfelves.
We carried on ou-r backs four bags arid-an half o f pemmicatif^
weighing from eighty-five to ninety pounds each; a eafe with my inftru-
ments, a part#* ©figOOds for pr©fents*weighing ninety pounds;and» parcel
containing ammunition of therfame weight.. Each of1 the Canadians
had a burden of »boii-iifeety poind#,, -with a gun* and feme arnrnbtii