iriforfüêd iis that we weiré expeHed at thé v ilfa gw h è fé We fliôulcf fee
jaatiy óf tbeöt. Fro® their general dfepörttnê&t I wasveff àppvehsa*
fivê that föÉtê hëftil# rîfefigft was meditated agaiMlhsyMd for the' fit#
Öfflö J àéknëwfedgéd my âppMfteîïfiëffS t© ï ^ -•Tieb^êiè^ÿ dè^
fitted them t© bfé’ fe iy much upon their güatd, and t© bë prepared if any
vfofeticë was offered to defend theffifelvêf to the feft.
’• w e hud no fêonee ïaflded, than we took 'pnffilbiï'èf f a r©et; whera
there was ftöt (^acè for more fc&d5 admitted
of dur (fefeMing ëii#föïde#4#th ad¥aïftâ:gè/ kl eàfe We4îhôuld be
âtfâêkeé. Thé pétale* fti the dfreé firft ^iröéS, wfitë Ï S ^ P P I S toI p 8
fbméj büty after döiUg their ütmöft td # r k ^ - Thëy:
Wéré, however, no fboUër gotié,' thàfr sfn hàt; Un hatkikferêhieft àhd
ràî other articles, werémiffing. The reff ©f otir Vifitbrs c'óhtinöéü thèif
preffing invitations to acfeönïpaiiy thenrt© ’tîfeir village, but finding out
refolutfon tö tfcéîpê tfteih Was fibtSo h r fliâken, thèÿ^ahoüt relieved
Another canoe, however, foon arrived, with leven ItôtJtf,* WMl-fôôfan'g
men. They brought a box, which contained a very fine fe'a-otter Ikin,
atid a goat ffein, that was beautifully ^^,^Fô'r\toe';#ôrfhér'Æey' der
ïnandéd my h'angeitywhich, as- may Well be fuppofed, could not be fparecl
in Our prefent fituatiön, and' they' 'àétuâllÿ rêfufed tó take a yard and an
half of common broad doth, With ïbfné other articles, for the Ikin, which
proves the unréflMïrig ' improvidence ó f oüf European traders. The
goat-Ikin was fo bulky that I did not offer to purchafe it. Thefe men
alfo told me that Macubâh had been there, and left his fhip behind a
point of laud in the channel, South-Weft from us; from whence he had
come to iheir village in boats* which thefe people, reprefented by imitat-
ing ouf .|nap#ef oftfowing. When I offered them what they did not
choofe [to accept for the otter-Ikin, they (hook their heads, and very dif-
tin#ly anfweied ff No*, no.” And to -mark their nafiffafof any thing
we afeed from them, they emphatically employed the fame JBritifh mo-
iipfyllafefe. = In otfe of the canoes which had left us, there was a lead,
that I wffhed to pumhafe, but could not pgrfuade the natives to part, with
it. They had alfo a fifb, which I now faw- for the firft time. It was
about eighteen inches in length, of the and appearance o f a trout,
with ftfaftgylharp teeth, We faw great numbers of the.aqimads .which
we had taken for fea ottera, but I was now difpofed to think that a great
part o f them, at leaft, muft have, been feals, |
The natives having left; us, we made a fire to Warm ourfelves, and as
for fyppier, there was but little .of that, fop our whole daily allowance
did hot amount to what was fufficimt for a. fingle meal. The weather
was clear throughout the day, which was fucceeded by a fine' moon-light
night. I dtrefted the people to keep watch by two in turn, and laid my-
felf down in myieloab.
, This morning the weather was clear and pleafant; nor had any thing
occurred to dillur-b us throughout the sight. Gne folitary Indian, -indeed,
Came to fts with about half a. pound o f boiled feals flefh, and -the
head of a {mail falrnon, for which he a&ed an handkerchief, but after-
Wafds accepted a few beads.. As this man came alone, I concluded that
no .general plan had been formed among the natives , to annoy us, but
this opinion did not altogether calm the apprehenfions of my people.
Y y 2 Soon