if93* two miles, North half a mile, Weft-North-Weft one' mile and an half*,:
Àuguft. . ; . 3 ;
■■«■v — a rivjulet on the -right, Noirth-Wèft by Weft one mile and a quarter,
Weft-North-Weft one mile,,- Weft-So.uth-Weft a quarter of!*; a mile,
North-North-Weft half a mile, North-Weft half a mile, Weft-South-
Weft, three quarters ; o f. a . mile, .Nqrth-Weft by .Weft three miles, Weft-.
South-Weft three quartersofa mile,.North-Weft hy Weft one mile*; .a
final! river on the right, South-Weft a quarter o f a pile, Weft-North-Weft,
iflands, four <miles and an half,, à river pn the left, Nbrth halfia mile,
Weft a quarter qfa.mile,North a quarter of a mile, North-Weft by Weft
three quarters, of a mile, North-North-Eaft three quarters of, a.?mile.
North-Weft by North half a mile, Weft-North-Weft a mifoand an haft,
and North-Weft by North half a mile. .The’mountains, were, covered
with frefh fnow, whofe ftiowers had dilfolved ip rain befor'e.they reached
us. North-Weft three quarters of a mile, Sputh-Weft a quarter of a mile>
North a mile and three quarters, Weft-North-Weft a milekapd â quarter,
North-Weft a mile and an half, North-North-Wefthfialf, é mile, Weft-
North-Weft a quarter of. a mile, North half a, mile f here- the - current
was flàek North-Weft by North half a .mile, North-Weft,hy Weft a
quarter of a mile, North-North-Weft a quarter of a milë, North-Weft by
Weft one mile and a quarter, North half a mile, North-Eaft by 'North
one mile and three quarters, South-Weft one mile and a. quarter, with
an ifland, North by Eaft one mile, North-Weft. Here the other;.bfanch
ppened to us, at the diftance of three quarters of a mile, I
I expe&ed from the flacknefs of the current in this branch, that the
Weftern one would be high, but I found it equally low. I had every
reafon to believe that from the upper part of this branch, the diftance
• could
could notEe great to the country through which I palfed when I left the ‘ 793*
;GqsM Riyei^but it hasfince been'determined otherwife by Mr. J. Finlay, v— v — f
who:w,as Tent .to expire, it, and found its-navigation foon terminated by
falls and rapids.
The branches afe about two. hundred yards in- breadth, and the water !
wa&*l|$o'ffee;bIqwef thdn ,on opr upward paffage. -. ,Qur cour,fe,(after the
Jqtt&iOn, was /North-North- Weft one .mile, the.rapid North-Eaft down it
three {q£$,rters. ,qf| a. 'mije/d^orth by,-Weft ope mile and a quarter, North
by Ea-ft one mile:-and an half, Eaft by . South one mile, North-Eaft two
miles and an half, Eaft-North-Eaft-a quarter of. a mile; a rivulet; Eaft by
Soutb7onq,nple and .an half, North,-Eaft Eaft-North-Eaft one
m^Npr-thr Norths Eaft a, quarter: o f .a mifq| North-Eaft by Eaft half a
mile,sEaft-South-jEaft,a.‘ quarter pf, a mife^ Eaft-N or th -E a ft half a mile,
Nort-h-Eaft /Cjvof^miles^fNorth-Eaft by:Eaft,‘, tw<o miles and, a quarter,
South'-Ejaft, by.Eaft-,a quarter of ^ milts- a rivulet jjrom, the left & Eaft by
,N©Fifh a m\le.a’sd>q; half^aft by-Squth.qne m'il^Eaft-Nonh-Ealf onp
mile and three ^quarters; a rivgr rights^prthj-Nprth-Eaft three
quarters pf}a mile, North-Eaft ,a mile-apd ’an half, Nprth-Eaft by,'Eaft a
mile and a quarter,, E&%North-Eaft; half a mile, -and North-Eaft by
North,half a mile. Here, We landed at; jour encampment of the 2 7 th of
June,froipiwhehce I difpafched adettbr ip an empty keg,. aswasV mentioned
ip that period of my.journal, which fpt- fqrth;our exifting ftate,
prog refs, and' expe&ation.
»Though the .weather was:■ clear, we- could- not, embark this morning Tuefday 20»
before five, as there :was a rapid very .near us* which required, daydight
to run it, that we might not break our canoe on the rock's. The baggage