P R E F A C E .
O N prefenting this Volume to my Country, it is not neceflary to eater
into a particular account o f thofe voyages whofe journals form the principal,
bf fbl¥\d> 1 truft* tO' explain themfelves.
It appears,^oweyër^ to fae'^a duty, which the Public have a right to
ex^ea from me, to ftate the reasons which have influenced me in
delaying the publication of them.
It has-been aflèrted, that a mifunderftanding between a perfon high
in offjce _and myfe^ was the caufe. o f this prpcraftination. It ha?., alfa
been pyopagated, that it was occafioned by that precaution which the
poliep of commerce will' fometimes fuggeil"; but they ‘are both equally
devoid of iopndation. The One. is an idle taje; - and tfiere could be no-
folid realbn for, cgncealing the circumftance's o f difeoveries, whofe
arrangements and prosecution were Id honourable to1 my affociates and
^myfelf, at whajg exaehpe t£eyw^e‘’ün^êrtake^ The delay aftually
a role fromthe very a&ve and bufy mode, of life in which I was engaged
Ii^,ce the voyages | have been completed; and* when, at length, the opportunity
arrived, thé appféhénlion oF prefenting myfelf to the Public
in the character of an Author, far which the coürfe and occupations o f