1793- rfous exertion, from the increafed rapidity of the current. After having
u— —> palled the twq carrying places, of Rocky Point, and the Long Portage,
we encamped for the night.
Friday 9. . We let off at five, after a rainy night, and in a, foggy morning. The
water ftill retained its height, The fun^howover Joon. beamed upon us,;
and our clothes and baggage were in lueh,a Sate, that w.e landed to dry
them. After fpme time we re-embarked, and arrived at our firft encampment
on this river aboutjeven in the evening. Tbpwaupr ^ n-
fiderably in the courfe of the day.
Saturday .0. The weather was cloudy with flight. {h(*W»V$nd. iS & f e %
ing we embarked, the water falling as fall, as it.had rifen. ,Thifcirqim-
ftance arifes from the mountainous Rate of the c^untry.on either. f i ^ o f
the river, from whence the water rufhes down almoft as f t ii H h falh
from the heavens, with the addition of the,fpow^ it,melts.in its,way. M
eight in the evening we flopped for the night.
Sunday »*. At five this morning we proceeded with clear weather. At .ten we
came to the foot o fth e long rapid, which we afcended with.poles much
caber than we expefted. The rapids that were fo ftrong, and violent in
our paffage downwards, were now fo reduced, that, we could hardly believe
them to be the fame. At fun-fet we landed and encamped.
Mmday %t. The weather was the fame as yeflerday, and we were on the water at
a very early hour. At nine we came to a part of the rivier where there
was little or no current. At noon we landed t© gum the canoe, when I
a tftërMianaltitude,' Which gath 11. Nörth Jatfthdte. Wè
fa ,L m iUJL & ° 0 . , , Au'guft.j
continued'lour’routfe'hearly®aft, and at three in the aflemcfoh' apprö’acHèd *--- y~— *
the fork, when I took tiriië, andtbediftariee l&twèén'tKé ftirf and thboft.
At four in Jthé -afterrioön- Wé left %he main b-rariëh. Thé tiif'Tdh’t Wès
qrilte muft haté bééè fti
thë courfé of three days. A t fun-fet'We landdd énd töök oWr ftathtëi
lóf the night: v'*
r 4T h è r ë 'W a 8 ‘a V ê ïy Tueflay 13.
we rë^Wfeé ©Hrf; vöyagé> however, att a tiëty êarly hour, fó
the narrow gut bêtwefen thë mountains a paffagè df
föftië rïik| feiat fórtühafe^ly f të Watêri Was fiiêh, tfttó WegOt
up without ’any difficulty, and had more?time*tb ekantiüë" ffiëfe extraordinary
fofcks than in' öur outward paflagè.' They ate as perpOndicdktr
as a wall, and give the id'ea óf a füéOèffionofënóïfo.0n's Gbfhic éhWrchas.
We Wi^è'tfbW clofely* hemmed much
o f their fnow fince out- fomierS^affage bythèrfn Wé ëflöa^ped m h
late botüv öóldy wet, m é ' hëügty'«« for fuch Wès thé ftate öf b i t pröVh
fioht; that our neceffary allowance did not èftfWéf'fb fhfé nÉi^êravihgS > v •
of ‘dóf appetites. *
T he WêaAê^ wag èold arid With firiall ihittf drilt1 »öiit treft^fities Wfedtwf. n|,
would- tiet feffen nl! to wait for'É'-fsyoii¥kbfe ehhhg^óf ïih'ö.rid ‘at half »paft
five Wé arrived at the fwairipy catryirig-iplace, bétweéri this branch and
thé fetall t*iver. At ^
the men icould - n ot: Keep therrifëlVesWarm eveir-by their yfoterit exertions
whioh-our fitua^oft required; aridTiiöW gavedherii the fettétirider
3 d of