Weft Company, anâ divided itinto fixteén-fhares, withoutdepositing any
c a p t â t ^adh-^îàrl^furàifliin^ a proportion or quota of.fueh articles as
were .neeeffàry' io 'Carry dn the irade > therefpeôive parties''agreeing
to fatisfy the friends, they had in-the country, who were not provided for,
according to this agfeeirtent, pntjipt the ^oportiQriSJ%h.ith 'they held.
The management of the whole^vas accordinglyontrufted to MefiVs. Benjamin
and Jofeph Frbbifher, and Mr. Simon M'TaviQi, two diftina
hdhres; Who had the gteateft- ihteFeft àridinfluendé in'5thê^éMîitï5yiand fo#
which they were to receive a ftipulatcd coramiffion in àll tranfaétionS.
In the fpring, two oLthdfê gentlemengwentqouthë"Grated Portage
with their credentials, which Were confirmed and ratified bjnail the ’parties
having an option,-except Mr; Peter Pond, /who W^inolFatisfied with
thefhare allotted him. Accordmglyhe, and another gentleman,-Mri Péter
Pangman, who had a right to be a partner, but:for whomTBo profeififflh
had been made, came to Canada;.* with a* deteraiiüatioriitar^tnrfflta<!ttó
country, if they could find any perfbns to join them, ahd give their fchéipe
a proper fapport.
The traders in the country, and merchants at Montreal, thus .entered
into a- co-partnerfhip, whichj b jr théfë means, was: confolidated
and directed by able men, who, from the powers: with which they were
entrufted, could .carry o n th e trade to the utmoft ex^edt jbn would
bear. The traders in the ; country, thereforeyhaving-'every-reafon
to expe6l that their paft and future labours would be recompenfed,, forgot
all their former animofities, and engaged .with the utmoft dpirit and
aftivity, to forward the general intereft ; fo that, in. the following* year,
they met their agents ab-t^ie Grahde Portage, with their canoes laden
withitaehi fugsrfem the ^different parts )of[thkt:immenfe trabt of. country.
But this fatisfafition was ,n.ot to be Sqoyed Without fome interruption;
and they werebmottifiedito find that Mh Pangman had prevailed on
*MfeffrsuGregory and.Macleod to join'him,* and give him their fupport
in .the bufinds;.:though .diferted hyBMr. Pond, who accepted the terms
offered by his former aflociates. ,
efiln fchdcohhbtngfhohfe o f MrciGbigoiy1'/.!-had bfeeri ftve'years; and at
thisrperiad had left hiii^lent^'atri&ndl tadverithre'aaf* goods, . With,which
he had entrufted meb>to‘ rfeek ; my ’ fortune at Detroit. He^ without
any<SfeitftionvhB inppait, had" pirAdlred ah infection 'inf the.' agreement,
.that Ifhould be admitted ai »partner jn this:bufinefs; bn-condition
that would : ^rbeedd to tte> Ipdiah country in the following
fpring, ry||l$ His partner came to Detroit to-mafe'me^ueh a p r o ^
fiiion. I readily* alfented to it, and immediately proceeded to the
Grande Porta ge;wherel joined my>MIbciates»> ;
;nosbwfoupd ftat Infependeiit bf-tteMatcftfal diffieuMes^of the
th^rtekii^ ireiftOtt^ ai^i:oy®^ «le f«^T otter which the^' who
w'eaf- already in .poffeffidrt- o f ' the harade fiot. the t^untry^couid throw; m
oar way,' andq^hiphitbelrl . them,.toldot!ivNoEdid
theyjdoub% from hhepowtt fdpenor‘dxpferienteyvas well as that^of their
gterks-.; a^dwlnte;..‘•i^b1^ i f '• l ili,^ -IfooiideSg&^’tte^hfcanriy- amloits
ihhalffitants; that atteyq ftxbnld: f©bp>]:obmpel uh;loyleave' the comr
try to Ltfiem.n Thei.«e,vdnt^ohowever,?idid dotf;juftify theird expeSar
taote^-^^after' titerf©vierefb:|teugglo/eyert&i©w©iin that : part of; the
; world.