Jigei^QB-I'imrticaifia. the water fide, and feizing the caïioé'by theSentyl
-^öuldice^ainLy Jiaw.oyerfeiat, andluEiaed ihe ttereeïiïien t e t were in it,
,with all theix merchandife, into* the river, had nbt;one of 4h® people-pf
tbe houfe, who had heen ypry hind tous, informed me that this was..tbe-ir
canoe.,andithat my ^<te had^gs^offwith^urs. * At thé feme moment
the other two Indians .who belonged to the. party, Jammed nimbly
into it, and pulbed off with all the hafte and hurry tha,t their fe^rs pi^y he,
foppofed iooiifitate.
We .now found ourfelves once-more without a guide or a €ano||||| Wff
;tb.;:eng?ge, without mueh-dif&<?0ltff;twö
fif.thefe. people to accoinpany u s ; as, from the firength of thecurrert%
fo woiild ndthave been poffibtefor us to have: pröceeded by Water without
their affrftance. As thé houfe was upon an iflaffd, weTerffied byëY
the peckiftinaa party to themain bank of the'river,-and continued %«ir
donrfo till öur conduaors came to their filhfog^gropnd, wheffftheyp*P-
pofed to land, us, and our fmall portion oB baggagëry; bit t -tó bur * cbiff2
panions were on the oppofite fhore, we ;éOfflff höt'aequiéfëë, eind: after
fome time perfoaded them to proeeèdifurtheï with. its. Sobff aftèrWe
met the chief, who had regaled us in our voyagè/flown the rivdr:^ He
was feining between two canoes, and had taken a considerable quantity
o f falmon. He took ps-on boardViih him, ènd procéeded upwards with
great expedition. Thefe. people are furprifingly fkilfui and ifftree, P
fetting againft a ftrong current." In “thé? rdu^hèft pafrt ïlfed
the canoe with Water, byway bf a fportivealarm to us.
We landed at the höufe of the chief, and he immediately placed1 a fifh
betotp Shea O u r ipeople :i^w j^ppharddi bhc the! onpofite hank; 1 when a *79*
-* July,
canoe was- fent fo r them. 3ft As-^fobni as th ey had made their.me'al, .o f fffh, — r—
they proceeded on their route, and we followed them, the chief and one
p|>ThernatiYje§' h^yipg.]ttnide,rtaken! ftp conduct $§. fi Jf
Ani/gdingdbWP>n/T^if)|jWgrf| $nd« J[tWasloh|iged. tpT^nd
rSfnfodstg ij»f<sc^jd- ^njyfifuf^ter
our^QPnh^ing;;at>aJh».»d^dift^fiCifeefo^ .thecQthofS,;.hadheeb^ta^ked
-%bfc JWI^ iaff otgef> jpP tlechi ar^yed :jto
hts? refcue, and foot he^-^Tfeeirv^^rs^ probably.prevented, tjhem fyom
'killingi^hdrtwo oyoffngr'pijes: ’ ..T h e y fopught-ja-jpart:ofithy.meat;
WSM wWfy b^ifferent:,- <Wej ■ v^reuihfdt#dd'vth^^.our Toympr gu i^ e ,, o r
iyd®®^l^f,3l®d5-'pa|fe#'thi%jj}ace, at a y g ry g jr ly hpuroof^tlie m o rn in g
o h fo b t.- »Ho ->M, jr : 'd :u r vbm y f f
Thefelp eop le ta k e p le n ty o f another fifo£hefide%ffeIm,o% Which vYeigh
.fromEfrftj?eh tK.ThigftfoiisC^p^er^fea0 fog falmon, p f a
greyifh colour, and with an h uffishon its b a c k ; the flefh is $hi|e, but
neither rich nor1 well flavoured. ^ Its jaw and teeth are like thole o f a
dog,! and the latter are larger and ftronger than any I eyr©r feenriaa a
filh o f equaffirze: thofeintfront bend'<h¥wardsf h k e y f o e p ] ^ s p f a biydLpf
■ prey. It delights in MHfobv i
recei yedj^s| mapy {|jfo andfrerries fcpm thefe people as completely
iatisfied pur appetites. .-Thelatter excelled any of the kind .that ,we
3 A had