employed to tow the canöè; I walked with the Indiaris té their huts;
which were* jat a greater diftanÉe than I lad ah^ TeafOU to e ^ ^ ^ for it
occupied three hours in hard walking to reach them. We palled a narrow
and deep river in our way, at the mouth o f whichrfrhotöad^es had fet
Jiheir nets. They had hid their effefls, and fent their young women into
the wo%ds; as, we few but very few of the former-, and noae o f the 'latter.
Titéy. haijajtgglhpts-huiit with drift wood on thd deeliMity ©fethe heaehi
and in the infide the earth was dug away/ fo aS to form a level floor. At
êach end was a flout fork,, whereon \vas laid a ftrong ridge-pole, which
formed’a fu pport to the whole ftru&ure, and a covering offprueehark pre*
fierVed it from the ;ram;(f'yarious ,fpap, of. different heights were'ftxed
within the hut, and covered with fplit filh that hung on them to dry-}
and fires were made in different parts to accelerate the operation. There
were rails alfo on the Outfide qf the h&»g
around with filh,* but in a frelher ftate than.thofe within.- Xh%fpawnis
alfo carefully preferved and dried in the fame manner. We obtained as
many filh from them as the canoe could conveniently contain, and fomq
ftrings, of . beads were the price paid for .them, an article which thfey
preferred to every other. | Iron they held in little or no eftimationi, /
During the two hours that I; remained here, I emplpyed.the EngUlh
chief in a continual ftate of inquiry concerning thefe people.; The information,
that refulted from this conference was asffqllqwfs.
This nation or tribe is very numerous, with whom the Efquimaux had
been continually at variance, a people who take every advantage of attacking
thofe who are not in a ftate to-defend- themfelyes ;. and -though
hadviprc^nt^dii .iftiendlhip,. had? rlalely,. and f in |the. tnpft- treaqhprous
Bganner, butchered,Xpme of thej>p pqpplg^ ,'As a prooJVqf this c ipm -
fiance, the relations a f the deceafed f i l l e d M* that'they, had cut off
their hair Qn the qqc^fioij,,, They* ^Ifo declared their detentpipatiory to
withdraw alk confident i% fatu^q* from (lthp Efquimapx, and tq colleSl
tbenjfelves in, a forn^jlab^jbp^y, t^ t they.njight be enapled tq^evenge
friends*,-,^; ^
. ,Er#ni,ihGiJr aeGq»nti a ftrongtp^t^G,£JEfquima#x qqe&liaMjfly( afeynds
this rjver, in large canoes, in fearch of flint ftones, jyhich they employ to
point ’their fpears and arrows. .They were now, at their lake due Eaft
tpen were^^hich-^ai ^t pq-great. diftance pver
land,^e re . they, kill, tlje MJjpfcthat;: they wquldToQn begin? to
patch, big filh for the winter flock. , We cpjqld nqt,{ ho^eyer; obtain any
inrormatiaEf refpefljng the lake in the dife$jon in which wev>j$ere.t To
the Ealtward and Weftwa^i.where.?thpy/a.^it,sthe;iGehre^ks. up, but
foon freezes, again.
The ^fquimaux informed them that they, few large.^noes.fpll of
'^kite m,en;to the *^f: eigh| ~they
«htainedjrpq in exchange for leather. 'The fe'ke;ydier§ the.y met thefe
ky themj.,J^QZi//<2y>(r ^ qr^ ,^hit%|Man'S Tafe^.
T hei«alfQ„renrjefentefl the, Esquimaux as drqffing lik% ^£mfe}y|s. f They
W^r:fth^ir hair Qjprt,-and have t\ggtqho|es perforate^,-;qne:qn;veach5 fide
id wdfch • iNsg
Iwd in the lakq^ Their bows are fqinpwhat different
§906 - L 2 whence