one of us. . If they had killed me, in.. the firft g^eneje
would certainly have followed, and not one o f . us: would have returned
home to tell the horrid fate of his companions. .
After haying, Rated the danger I had encountered, I told my people
thatl was determined,to make thefe natives feel the impropriety of their
conduct toward us, and compel, them tp return my. fiat, and cloakwhieh
they had taken in the fctdfle,- as well as
from lisp for moil of the men who were in, the three canoes-that* we ffcft
faw, were; now in' the village. I theTefore tQldmy men to pfifhe ;thfiW
pieces- afrefh, and prepare themfelves. fbjr an aftive, u£c of then!» if the
oecafion fhould require it.
We now drew up before the houfe, and made figns forlome one to
come down to us. , At kngth aur young chiefrappeaxied, and told us'that
the men belonging to ,the canoes had not,only informedhi-s, friends^.that
we had treated him very ill, hut; that we had killed . four o f their ; companions,
whom, we had met in the bay. When I had explained.t&tfibmi
as well as k was in my pow^it^^lfehood pfrfisefi/a R©ry, I infi.fted bAr
the reiteration of every: thing that had beentaken from ngiinS' WeH' as a
neceffary fupply of filh, as the conditions o f my departure ; accordingly
the things were reftored, and,a few dried fiffi -along'with- them.-. A reconciliation,
now took place, but our guide or young chiof
terrified that he wpuld remain no longer with us, and. requefted us- to;
follow with-his father’s canoe, or mifchief would.fpllow. I determined,,
however* before my departure,, to take an ofif^yafipn^ apd &fe nppn^gc^
a meridian
a Meridian altitude, .making this place,-which I named Rafcal’s Village,
43.'North latitude.
On my informing the! natives tk^We Wstfited fomething more to eat,
they brought us^two fal&ons 5 and when we fignified that we had no
poles to fet the,canoe, again(l the current, they were furniflied with equal
.alacrity,.To anxious were they for pur departure.. I paid,.however, for
every thing which 'fife had received, and did not forget the loan of the
canoe. £
Z z 2 CHAP.