Here we e;xpe&ed to meet with , the ,qatiygs,v,hyh foere r^a^ notjj foe
leaft appearance-^of them, except foat; foe: guide, his companion, ,and two.:
others, had apparently palled the carrying-place. We; fawfeveral fifh leap
Qntof.the water;; which. appearedfo beof foe falinon kind. n The pld-man,
indeefohad informed,u# that this was the ^leafon i when the large filhfoe-
gin- to come up the river.. .Our ht»tet%ji^l|r^id^hdt hadfnot-feenpfoe
track of any animal..: We now continued;oiir journey; the current was
nMforong; bpftwe met with frequent impediments from the. Merf £ees>
which, lay along the ba-nksy l Weilanded at ejght?in-.foe dyemng; .and
luffered indefcribable- incbnvenieftees from the fhesvaHIt
had rained hard in the night, and there was;fome final]: rain in the
morning. At four we entered our canoe, and at ;ten w.e’ came to a fmajl
river, which anfwered to the defcription of that whofe courfe the.;nati:ves
faid, they follow in their journies towards
into iti and e'hieavoured to difcover if our guide «had. landed here; but
there w“ere no traces' o f him or of any, others.. My former; perplexities
were now5 renewed;i I f I palled this river, -dfei^as ~ probable!that:I mfgfafc ■
mifs foeinatives; and I had rfeafon /.to-fu fpe£l that my men wo u 1 d not
confent. to return th ith e r .A s for attempting the woods, without ^gpMe,
to introdu ce am to >ther firft inhabitants, fuch a jdeternainatioh ;
little Ihott^bf abfolute madnefs. At length; ■ after much painful reflection,
I fefhlved ‘t® 'edme at pine to ;a full explanationrswithmay j people
and Texperierreed a eonfiderable relief from this refolution; Accordingly,
after repeating the promife they had fo lately made me, on* our
putting back up the river,-1 reprefented to them that this, appeared, tb
me to be the fpot from which the natives took their departure for the
fea codft, anfd added,-’%itl9dl, that I was'detefmihed to;try>-it; for though
O'u'r guidehad 1‘eftf us, it wds ’poffible foaty^Me-we-'were making the
mi|fo|¥appeaiy to* relieVe us
IVofcn 'birr foment ‘ diffichhife^ I now fbimd;fho my’grfeat fatisfaftioh,
that'they had nm-odfeae^tb dny efo defermination^-arnong* themfelves,
ds- fome of them-im’ftediately;affinte'd-to undertake the foods'with me.
'Others; HoweVer;'luggefte'd tha’t it^ridght’ befoe’tter> to-proceed a few
leagues further .up* tftg* riVfer,' in expe'ftation ot firiding^our guide,
or procuring another, kndl -that ■ after : a|]bfweJ might.- return hither.
This plan'I Ve'ry readily agreed ;tb adopt, butfofefore I •IdfcifoiS place,
which I gave fo&*’name-fo'fifoe Well-Road' River, -!• font lotah bf
the metM* kitb "the^woods', in different -diie6libtis}> and-' went- feme
diftance up the river myfelf; which I found to be navigable * .Only for
fmall catioes. Two of the .men found a good beaten vpath,pleading up
<an hilbjiUft behind*us, which I imagined to be’foe greatvfo’ad. /'.
At four in >foei afternoon we left »thisKpI&ce^pfoCeefongmp the' rivbri;
and* -had not' beenu pbn1 the water more foan three's quarters o f an- hour,
when we daw twocanbescomingWifo^thb ftream. d^oKfo^forifoid- the
-people in> them-perceive us than they • landed, and}V^weh:®fon Iho-re at
foe fame place with them; 'They* proved -to betohn guide; and fix of hi$
relations. He was covered with.a painted'-heaVe^rfobejhfo that we
fcaroely knew him in his fine habiliment. He.inftantly .defired us ,to
acknowledge that he had not difoppointefoufoiapfodbelarefo at the fame
,time; that it was I his{ conftanti mtentionfoo foeephisj wor d. § I accord«-
angly gave him a jacket, a paieoftsowfers,, handkerchief, as
a reward for his i honou cable cQndfofojfoThe: firangers examined, us- with
O o 2 the