fts mhAhants: ahe thë Enifteneiux Indians, who are Giöed by the fèr-
V&nts bfth èH t^ o ö ’s^BayOom^ahyr, at Y®rfch:Aeir towte-gtrardsri.«
' :Ttie trader* item I Canada fucceeded for ifc*fe»l years, it gritting the
largeft ipmjpbicüon «offthtefr firisi/itittiifre gr$*tr l jggi tvfeen ittefemnterfdF
that cornpahy thought proper -t© fend IpeOjde laotongft them, ;faod why
they did not-cfo-it before is heft known to Aemfëlv^s); for the plurpofe
®f trade,awd feciriit^gthe&- credits,-Which Aetfadiang wette-apt to; ffbrgefc.
{from bhe {hort diftatice they had to come, land tehe tjoaritfty ©f goods
they Applied, the trade has, iavaigreat meafure, -rewtefeiotl&dto, m the
ttlerehants frömCanada could riot merit Afem upon eqftoal tefsas. I What
added tói(the tofs of the lattfer, was the. «nrderof|onfe ©Tthieir t i j # 4
fcyithè Indians, ahnrst this period, Q f Alfeppoplri riot >fifrove teigfty
have berin known to the traders from Chn&da, hot they Sonfiftof a
riauth greater number.
- . The Portee- ^rak^-os- dials .b^jakoaÉgjr- hiötèd, ferried; fcs nftme
from Mr. jofeph Fiobi&er, who peaetrafteddnfco A ft part ofr^ti$^ri.nt-ry
from GaamdayA eaHy^s A è
the Indians in the Ipring, on their way fo; C.haréftttH, dccoridtog to
annual fcuftomy with tberii feancjes full Ibk yata^'te-J&i»^ 'They -traded
with him fór'ris manyi o f them as his canoes jeofcld carry/ and in
confequence bf Aftiranfafiiott, the Portage néceiVed find, has, ftrtee .retained
its prefent • appellation. He alfo denominated jthefe Waters the
EnglifhRiver. The Miffinipi, is the name which it received from
the Koiftönri&öx, When' tHey faift.-carne' to this country, and either.de-
ftroyëd Or dfoyeybaofe- t tó natives, whom they (held .in great contempt,
many acriöumsyAtit particularly for their ignorance iin hunting
the heaven, as well as in .pTepuTmg,feetcbirag, and drying the Ikins o f
thofe animals. And as aifignfof Aeri deration, they ftretrihed Aefkin of a
ffpg, ririd bring it dip rit the Portage. This Was, at rihaft «me, A e utmoft
riisfterit' o f their conqaeft or warfaring-progm fs Weft* and Is in latitude
$5.125.- North, aridftengitrafte apM||| Weft. The diver here, which beans
A e .appebrarriGe ©f rifekes, takes its name f a n the Portage, and fe full <of
ifiands. dt -runs from lEaft to Weft about fifteen aniles, and is from,
•fhur it® «five miles broad. Then Succeed falls and cafcades which form
what is called the grand, rapid. From thence there is a. fucceffioft ®f
fmall lakes and riVerf*, interrupted by: rapids and falls, viz. the Portage
de Bareel, the Pontage dq. L ’lfle, and that of Ae Rapid River*- The
coridte m twenty miles from dEaft-?Sopthilaft to Nor A-North-Weft.
The Rapid-River Labe then nans .Weft five, miles, and is o f.an ©wal
.form. The. rapid river is the difcharge o f; Lake. La Rouge, whene
there has been ameftabliftimentfor: trade fe rn the year 1782. Smoe
the fmall p©*. ravaged thefe parts, there have been but few inhabitants
thefe • are * o f • the Kniftetteaux tribe, and do s ;not exceed thirty
.men. r The ririte® navigation tGiAnriemto ?be thram^i risers and With aft,
interrupted by rapids;; and the diftance to the ftrft »Eiecharge is, four
miles,: in a Wrifterly direiftloni . Then follows Lake tie la Montagne,
.which runs .South-SouA^Weft Aree^mftes arid an :half, -then North fix
.Eoiles, through «narrow, channels, formed by iflands, and continues
,I|pth-North-!^rifrA^*;trii%/ to the portage of the' fame name, which
is no fppner crofted, than another appfears in fight, Jeading t© A e Ottter
Lake; from whence it is;/nine miles Weftrirly to' the Otter Portage,
in latitude -55 .$$' fWw<yh .this and Ibe Portage du Diable, arte
{fr.yeral rapids,? and. the diftance Aree miles- and an hah'. i .Then fete-
ceeds the lake of the fame name, running from South-Eaft to North-