, July*
•ThurHay 1 1.
among thé fa va ge tribes, and are, as I Was informed]content with'óne
wifëi Though thi&%ireumftaftGe may proceed rather from rtbe düfiéöftf-
o f procuring fubfiftence,' thaii any5Tiabitual ayëifidh tö j^iy^teyv;
My ptefent guide now informed !mei khat he ëön id^ t ^t^éefed diïy
further, and I accordingly engaged two ofthefe people tó foeoeéd hit«
itt that office^ fout when they; defiredos to-pnoeéed Oh èhe^iëafen • path
without them, as théy could hot fet; off tilt the following day, ! deter*
mined to ftay that night, in order to; accommodate myfelf to fhèif fcan-
venience* 1 diftributed fome ;£riltes a'®öhg- fhe Wives and children 'oftHé!
men who ttóté to bé öur foturegaidés, ^y-folStöeddo my pedfle/^We
came back by a different way, and paffed b y t^d-bWildin^iêr^iedt^h^
tween four trees-, and about fifteen feet' from^-the gietend-, whicftf ap^
peared to me to be intended as magateihës 'for y^nter’ ^fo^ïfióhsi ' At
four in the afternoon, we proceeded with d^nfiderableföxpêdTt'ibn, by
thé fide of the lake, till fix, when we cam!e to the end of i t : we' then
ftruck off through a much lei’s beaten track, and at half paft léven flopped
for the night. Our courfb was about thirteen foifes,
and Weft fik mates. -
Ï pafled a moft uncomfortable night: the firft part of it T was tormented
with flies, and ha the latter deluged with ram. iii the'tefouteg
the weather cleared, and as foofi as out cióth'ès Wêrë dk'ed', We' proceeded
through a morafs. This part of the country had bëén ï'nid wafte
by fire, and the fallen trees added to the pain and perplexity of oür
way. An high,' rocky rfdge ftrerched along oür' left« • Though the rain
returned, we cörttmnédour,|)róg,reis'tilï noöö, whé#óur glides É
\ fome
fcJfiie trees for ftielter. - Wê thin fpteïd onr öil-clöth, and, with fome ïj|j|‘
difficulty* mad®- ftl fire. About two the rain ceafed/ when Wé continued >*~m
Our journey through-' the fame kind of country which we had hitherto
pafled. At half paft three We C^mè ïfi &gb'tOf;w'faIé''i thé land, at fhè
fame time gradually riling to a range -dfoteOuntates whofe tops were
©èevéfed 'wath ftïóW: - We fdoft* aftfet * óWferved twofrfefh tracks, which
fcemed to^furprifè Oiff guides*, but’ they füppbfèü 'thém to have beeh
made^by the inhabitants öf thé'Countf^* WhU We're cbmeOnfothis part of
h to filh.Ï' A t ; fi fo w f t ë 5yïtéiteête%B'foé#é^WlM^^alid éolflyffdr it had
it intervals 'continued to rain,) that we Were' Compelled to flop for thé
night'.' Wé pafled fevért rivulets anda Crèfek in1 this ddyW jOürhéy.' AS
I had hithëriè1 regniatetPour Courfé by'the fofi, I'CduI'driot Form an* a‘c*
é&fot#)fiögteëfi#4f t-MS rodfoWS we’hadnot'bfeen favour'd with a fight
of it during thé‘day ; büt I imagine i f to havé been nearly in the fame di-
i^Hion- asthat èfyëfterday. Our dittance could ndt have been lefs than
fifteen miles. V
Our conductors now began to complain ofiouh mode, of travelling,
^d'laf^<^d4^teh*^Bffóntóên8 o f l i v in g u s ; and myrinterpifetert, who
were e^fiMilyfoi^tiSfiedi added 'fofotif ^t^léxrÉp 4|^ théir cónduft.
Èefides, thelfo fciiCumftaricèS/ and the apprehenftdff 'that the diftan'ce
from the fea might * be greater than I had imagined, ft became a matter
óf reahëètéÉity:lShkt^Wi:ttöïrffl'K^tf-,ito diminifh :the ^dbhfiimption of
éur ptovifiOns, and to fubfift upon twö-thirds of our‘allowance; a pró-'
pofitiort Which ‘was as tmwelcoteè to my people, as it was neceffary to be
put into imteedlaté' praiSicé«