North-Well.' We were enabled to employ the , fails during partfofifoe
‘ ^— ’ day, and> encamped/ at ■ about fevfcn in « e v e n in g . ,7 We 'hilled eleved
Old geefe and forty young ones; which had j oft begunto flyi& TheEnglilh
chief was very much irritated againft orie"©£hirydung:«ien t. that jealoufy
occafioned this- tmeafinfefs* and -that' it was. not without: very sfids
ficient caufe, was all I could difcover. For the laft two or three idays
we had eaten the liquorice root, of .which ..there is great-abundance on
the banksvof the river. We found it a powerful aftringent.
The rain was continual throughout the night, and did notlubfideftill
nine this morning, .when we renewed outi progrefs^ * The.'wind and
weather the fame as yefterday. About three in the afternoon it cleared
up and; the wind died away^ when it became warm. Abfive/the wind
veered to the :Eaft, and brought! cold along with it: ; There; wereaplenfcy
of whittle berries, rafpberries, and a • berry called Poire, whieh igrows
in the,, greateft;,abundance.; We; w^re. ve fy , much im p ed ed « ©Ji*
way by, Ihoals o f fand and . final!f Hones, jr^hich /render :the. w&er
Ihaliorw at ariiftance. ffom foolbore, rln'otKeruplaces ithegbankiofi^he
river k l^ y :^ ife r i?fonned ^blaqkiiarth land fand,- and, as ibis
nually falling, difpiayed;torus* in^fome.partsya fctce b£folidide, troisMi*
a foot of the furfaee. Wehnifhed-’s voyagerat a/quarter before
eight, and in the courfepf it kjlledrfeyeh geefe..
We ftow had recourfe to our corn, for we had only confirmed three
days of -qur original proyifioni firice we began to. mount the current,
it was my intention to have, afcended the river on the South, fide from
the Iaft rapid, to difcover if there were any rivers o f confequence that
flow from the Weftward: but the fand-banks were fo numerous and
the current fo ftrong, that.I was compelled to traverfe to the oppofite
fide, where foe eddy currents are very frequent, which gave us an opportunity
of fetting our nets and making much more liead-way.