to carry. We.had alfo a.little flour, and fome pemmican. Having completed
this arrangement with, all poflible expedition, we proceeded onwards,
the ground fifing gradually,.as we continued our route. When we
were clear of the wpod’yS-we fa-w the mountain' towering above, and apparently
ofimpra&iqable afpent. We loon came to the fork of the, river,
apfl,y,efy rapid,, Our young Indian, though much recovered, was flifl'.too
.W^letftNRrcfsi the water, and I • catyied him. ©y§r on
tpy, )?aplt>
II|.\^%npw^pe ip the;^ftprnpPl^y^wd feadfldfcfti afi*#nd funtmit
pf t^eiVfl^Il ,,napuptaip l^^prpnj^ti Qa.iae^pR, in order to look for ;\«!Wer.
I,left, '•bp fiplt.;f?dia,P».''vhh his cpmpaniont and\one, of nay? me«,, tp. follow
tpe^ pi^dpjcf§vI\ fliali apt., attejpptci-tPt, dffcdN?» antfit was paflyfive
Ydaep^p^vpdr at a fpcp^y^pf^^e-rGPuWige^vW®^»^0^ !1^^®^ a»\ex-
tremity of wearine%th^ it^ w^, wkhjgfeat^pai^a® ootfldf brawl
about, to gather wood for the, necefl'ary purpose of making a .fire. . To
relieve our anxiety, which-begandtoincreafe every moment for the fitua-
tion of the Indian, about feven he and his companionsarrived ; when we
dfln&lftl ®rtrJ^tesi:byvflt.tin^dfoaRd a bl a z - i n g o f - paftrd&n.-
gers, and indulging the delightful reflection that we were thus far {advanced
on, pWr, hpinewssdijpuWeiStf ioa^^fj iWOs-W ppfllt^e/tp,be^iU: thSiS
fituation witho^eontemplafeogctho wonders o f itv » uSii*eh'Was-thS depth
of the precipices below, and the height of the j mountains above,
with the; nicbe^andri wiid fmflgnifieenhernafj the'IfcenerpnainplindJ that I
fliallf nob attempted de£drihpfaoh,Bni(alkipxSikig-andvawW-’ combination
©f jobjeSsj of.wihibhv indeed/ho/ddhi?iptioni can convey amadequatebdeat
Even at thisplace, which is only, as it were, the firll ftep’ towards gaining t19S-
the fuhaTnit e f the na©nntain^the;damaie\ras very fehffhly changed. ' The
air that fanned the village which we. left afcnoon, was mild and cheering-*
the grafeiwas ^Jjdantj ahdtthe-wildi&iiiwrljpe around it. But here the
fapw *wa$>n#.yeh drffolved^lilife groted nw?a?dliil' bdundiby1 the frdfft, tike
hp^hag^had fearcfe bafoes Weare jorft
tpj feloflpfrt;
■ ,%>jg!©8t wes<pjuHi&igMbQ£yeft#d0y^^ «7.
t^etufp a^ r ^nPPPntaif«i b|?.thdif^d route wHieheweihad foHowed in
oar outward jourpey. mtheappearaifce
©f the mountains fince ^ p a fle 4 ; tflppKid»pu^tcthe weatbhr was1 very fine.
raokWupgrl^e,arrived at, thefgp^whfr^'isve;flepfe -with'the Sunday «e.
natives on the 16th inllant, and ^und ©ns pamihfcan in gtMjdeOaditk®
wftpce,-we had bprieihiy d $ sbs•?
.The>latitfj(Je pf this plape,;by observation; when ! pifled} I foUhd to
4^ 3^ hlbppwrttpoky time, anddthe^ ^hmeei hetween fiin and
ntoojpM,,^hadsalihk-,an;|ja2S^$jd|j bo ttfefgrtainrthe vasriatoorito.,
vWe^continuedourir(»te withfine'weather, and without meeting' arf
hpgl,9 RprlppoPiPWcwayj the nativesj bejrigsy.|]^tiejrssTweTiippofe(h to
ttHtepKM We fecoyeredialhooF! hidden, flofeS of>proviGons,;arid
arW?A‘ a|®lS| aftemooftipf,Sunday, Adgoft thec^ths .at the-*
place whi^hjYf^J^d left a month hsfoitoi i&§
A cpnfidpjf'ablp flnn>feeit ©f IiidiansIwfeEeieiteampedoh bh© «^polite fide
3 Ql2v: of