ftM irn up tfu rivet. I S t oh) f f t ogf ejs off the cdtndd,jfofh tK e f ’fedffth'ofWre
^ % t i r f e n £ . f f £ f t y lo f Wer M i $ p f i c f f i e ?$£' •' rffnpeti6k'rc6ri>-
'?r'kzt$ q^mfp'eofflk ° ffi&mue^<$rtlffe^ V dm ? dtydgtt^ Come-ioTJMe
houfes; received with great kindnefs. Arrive
Village. Our prejent reception very different jnmihat we experienced
on our former vifit. Continue our journey. . Circu
^ our dog. Arrive■_ at Se Upper far 1 > u nJ!\ I .'! M ‘ t - ' >;
kind reception. Somt further account of the mannerst g g g K j B ‘its
iff inhabitants. Brief vocabulary oftigir k$gu$ge.^
T h e current of the river was fo ftrong, that I fhould Kav#Oq<^rhplied
with the wiflies of my people; and gone 'byjand, btrt one^of- fay fpdi^S’
was fo .weak,.that it was impoffible for him to perform the journey.,, He
had been ill fome time; and, indeed, we had been all ofl us more or lefs
afflified with colds on the fea coaft. Four of the, people therefore fet off
withrthe canoe, and it employed ,theia an hour to get half a mile. In the
mean time the native, who has been already mentioned as having treated
us with fo much infolence, and four of his companions, went up the river
in a canoe, which they had above the rapid, with as many boxes’ as men
...H i
father.5 ThiscirCurn'ftaftfee wasthe cadfh o f freffi alarm, as it wfis gene-
raMy 'edneluded that ' th ^ Wb&M produce- the fame mi fchief and danger
in that below; Nor Was-it“ forgotten
thah'the yotftfg'chtef had- left; us i» a* nlanner wfticliwduld ndt be intef-'
preted in our favour b^Msi^tlSSt4 and friends.
1 1 9 3 ‘
’A t fangïhttfcféamè acriied; and-the people declared in thé moft üh-
rcIervEd* terms, that they would pfobeeAno further in-her; but when11
thhy.-ypre made acquainted, with the cipcumflances which have juft been
drferiheA thêhcviolise^ec incréaf^y and the greater part of the Then announced
their determination fo.dtterffpf the nfrouötatósj»#ié endeavour;
bylpaffing'dVèT-thekn-,11# gaia the road-by-wMehWe cèmë W-ïlféc 'fiHh
V^li£%'ei'f !so réff 1 véd wefe tftèy to*ptïrlueT this pl&n, that they threw?"
efefy-iMigg5 whaëh-ttey'-Md' i river, Accept tbëïr blankets. I ‘
tt’öÈ' lft®^ 'fïatièntlipóh'' a ftófre' and •Mul|ih|^flhè'-tit)^
would havé 'difpoTed7dfrfcrrr fo-'pèftelve IHe* ralhnefi< 0‘f their ‘pitf-'
jé®?Y 'but whén '#dtiThffèS S9 ®§ thëy perfifted in it, I no longer remained:
a fi lent liffcncr to thëir paffionate"declarations, but proceeded
tor:èfnp!ö'y- fucld ^argumérits'^al' I trufted Would turn them from their
fenfelefs and i m pra'fficable pur pole. A fte ri’ïe proving my young Indian
in- Very feveré' terms; for encouraging the reft1 to follow their mad de-
fign" of palling the mountains, I addrefled my fell' generally to them,.
Hating-the difficulty of afcending the mountains, the eternal fnows with
which -they were covèy||F, 8&|fma'll ;ftock óf provifions, which tWo days
Would exhauft, and the confequcnt probability that we Ihould penfh with :
Cola and hunger. Purged* thé "folly of befog affe6fed:by the alarm o f