* The^eaffi^/eoiitinUed fiöë;
an(j the éeanëi£f%# got in a 'ftatë:Öf' eba^iÉêray^|Lspw^da
Saturday. 2$. ' ■■% .' • 'V^C ■ x• \ - , •.- • . r..
Refs. The conduótor of the work, though a goad man,, was re«
markable for they might; be*
and more difpbfêd-tö eat than to be active; I, therefore; 'tèbte this^ ppi
' portunity *6# ' unfolding my-fentimèn ts: to. hkri; adds thereby difcovering
to, all around me the real Gate c f rSy mind, and the<Fefól'Mtóa^^gi
forffied TortThy future ecaida^ ry Aften reproaching hinffi foi? Ihi^'general
inadUvity, but partieukrly-pn the prefenfe occafion, wheb ourtimewas
Tó precious,! mentioned the apparent, want (^&«Bomy-fei^©£'iièïi^f
apdhi^ Companions* in. the jarticl^.ofr.pCQ^fions.- I informedhim that I
was , not altogether, a ftrartger:. toy their late cónv.ërfations,.fnom w.hènce
I drew-, the! coiicMfiorndhat they.-wiffiéd; ,tcfc put' an end t© the voyage:• I f
that weX^lbji .1 expseffed .imy'wilh.
me &t oncq^oftheir“determinationKto follow me no Jö'ri^rjQ I concluded,
however, by afiuring him, that whate vér plan they had meditated to=p.ur-
fue, it was my fixed and uaarterable determiiktioh tb-p.roceed, in Tpite
of e^ëry difficulty that might-oppofe^r danger-tharfhould threaten-mev
The man was very much mortified at my addreffing this, remonftrance
particularly to j t o fp n d replied, that he diii not dcferve my difpleafure
more than the reft ofthem. . My
tioa dropped, and the; work wept onf
About two in the afternoon One of thé men perceived a canoe with
two natives! in it, coming alongrthe- infide of thë ifland; but- theewater
being (hallow, it turned back,, apd we imagined that ©n^perceiving ;:us
they had taken the alarm; but w.eiwere agreeably furprifed:on feeing
them pome ,ap, yhe' outfidp/4>f rbedfland, when we recognifed our guide; *7||-
and onelofi, jtdie^ nat^es, whom-y?edia,d dreatfo fe<fn., The: former began '
•immediately to -.apologBj&g for his conduct, and. allured., me that fipce
Jie hald, left me, his whole.,* type-, had (been employed,dedfearchfng after
his5 family^ who had^been^elzed with t,hfy~ general papic, that had
bfeen 'joocafione.d- by thei.falfcr;reports of the .'people ,who> had firft. fled .
^jom h^i ( He faid it iwas generally; apprehended.,by, the; ^atiyqs; that
<we -hadi.bffenr unfriendlynto their .relations,. at^ty^whQ were expelled
4Up00i.*th© riyer in< great .-numbers at,,this,, tirne;, ,anff that many of tfi,e
AtpaJa"Q’l}iC,hiPs 'nhtionj jhadi;,§(lme,*$p, the, river, to. wherp, we. had. been,
in the hgp^E@§',ieeipg and- .werp ,ypryfe pauicjt^ddp leaded ydth-- him
and his friepds,,fbr, haying, negledfed to giye^them an early, pot.iee.ipf
*101# arrival .there. 1 He added, that the tyro^rpen whom we had „feen
ye;fterday^pr,'jiie>- day before, .were juft returned frpm theirTi^nde^vous,
rWith the natives p£, the fea, pqaft, and had bdqgght a meffagM’rom his
{brother-in-law; .that, he* had1 a new ajxe^fdr him; anj* hpf.d^.fetget to
,-bring.a moofe-fkin. drefledyin:,exchange^- which;*h^,pHually^ had in;his
fcanee. He lexpedted to meet'hini> Jig.(aid, at-fthe otljen end of the-
.< carr ying^placelc; v.
ijjj This was as pleafing .intelligence, asywl had ..reafop to, expedt, and
it is ahnqfti fuperfluous to obferve; that w e - flood.in» great%eed of it.
11 had a meridian ajtitpdey which - •, Kqrth latitude;,' I alfo>
jtook time in the ^|re fand afte-rpopp, yhpt, gave..a mean of 1 .37-'-4'?~
Ochrometer flpw( apparent ,-tiype, which^^rjth; ^1/ observed immerfion
■ of Jupiter’s firft fatellke, made ouri longitude t22. 48. "\yeft of Greenwich.