Saturday 20*
fEÓm fifhing bad no «neust than five falnapas they refefêd -tMsH dne.of
them, but gave m e o a e ro fa f te d o fa v e r y indifferent kind. In thé
hou les there- wore feveral’ chefts of boxes containing different articles
that; belonged to. tbe peoptei^bei» we bad lately; pa-Sed. I f L Wfé; to
judgeby the heaps, o f filth heneath thefe buildings, they mufthaye been
erefted at a rmm diRant (period than a-ny ^binh we had paffed. From
thefe honfcs I. could perceive the termfoatfompf the river, and its dif*
charge into a narrow arm öf, thé fea» * ;
As it was; now half paft fix in the evening; and the weather cloudy,,!
4stetm m fo& remain h e r e for the mght,and for that- purpofo Wg pof*
fo g y ©ttrfelves of p neof themaoeeupied/houfest, t,<Thoremahtó,óf ©ur
laft meal, which we brought with us, ferved for ©ur fupper, as we
could not procure a fingte filh from the natives. The eourfi^of thp
river is about Weft, and the diftancedrom the greatviilage upwards of
thkty^fix. miles. There we had loft our do& a> drcuanftancd of no foaalh
regret to me*
We rafe at a very early, hour this morning, when I -propofed to the
Indians to run down our cande, or proeuxe;anather at this; place*.| T o
both-thefe propofals they turned a deaf ear,: as. they imagined that I
fhouldbe ferisfied with having come in fight.ofotfee: fea.. Two; g£> then*
peremptorily refilled to proceed.; but the other tw©> having confented to
continue withI us*, we obtained a larger canoe than, our former' one, and
though, it. wa-s in a leaky ftate we were glad to poflefs it;.
At about eight we got oat o f the fiver, which difcharges itfelf by
vdtiousi channels: Ihifo an arm ofHbe fea. The tide was ©ót,, and had
left a hirgë’dpace covered* with' fêa-weedrri Thé farrounding hills were
involved in fog. * Thé- wind Whs at Weft# which was- a-head of us»/ and
very ftrong; the hay appearing^© be from orieto thfee- milesin breadth.
Ass»we;aflva«ed along the land we faw number ©f fea-dtteraJ We
firdd fevehd-i fiiotd at Them,“but without ^topi-ftipéels from the rapidity
with which they pitnaige under the Water.: : We<alfo faw many final! pdr*
poiféS orldiversii :>Th© ffhrte-beadedr eagle,- hvinehfis' eornnhon m riiel interior
pdrtstpfbtare final® guffs, a dark bird which is ièéèiadTfowSise-? to the
gulf# and^h feW fmall ducks, were all the birds; which iprefbnted them-
felves to our view.
At tWo in the afternoon the fweff was fo high, and* the wind, which
was again ft us, lb boiftefPus, that we .could ndt> * pïÖheêd;<with our leaky
veflfel ,-sWe 'thteéifó*e landed id a fmall cove on the irigHt fide o f «he' Myii?
Oppofite to Ö® appeared? another fmatl bay, in the mouth of which ® an
Maud, and where, aÈceörding toffee information ©Mhe India*fö| a river
difcharges itfelf that abounds in falmon.
Our you-nglndi&ns now difcoveréd a ve»y évident dïl^‘ftóbn-tó< lé a^
uS;$and, in'the'&Venirig/'öne of then! made hi&'efcape." Mr. Maekay?
hóWever, with the- other, ptirfued ffii’d' brought him back'£‘'but;''as' it was
by no means neceffiry to detain hi®ï pari;iMia*'I^> É^''prtóffiÖfls dW hot
abound with tis,T gave him a fiüall portion, with a wfeids
were nèceffary foï^his jourttè^jand allifk haödKei^MIfjfdlïifghiffi at thé
fame time>; that fie might-go and ihf®rm‘ has friends,-that WP*ffeóïitd afeh