• *793' South one eighth of a mile, Eaft-South-Eaft one fixth of a mile, South-
*— rv— * Weft one eighth of a mile, Eaft-South-Eaft one eighth of a mile, South-
Sou th-E a ft one fixth o f a toile* North-Eafta.hÿ* Eaft- one twelfth ^of a
mile, Eaft-South-Eaft half a mile, South-Weft by Weft one third of a
.mile, aSouth-South-Eaft -one eighth; o f a mile, South-South-Weft one
quarter-of a mil% North-Eaft ; one fixth; of a mile, South, by Weft ;©ne
fourth of a mile, E,aft three quarters*of a. .mile, audiiNorth-Egft. one
quarter of a mile. Here the mountain on the left appeared to be com-
pofed of a fucceffion of round hills, covered with wood. almoft g to their
Turnouts, which were white with fnow,and icrowned with withered trees.
We now fleered Eaft, in a line with:thei>high land|<on the nightî||fèhi|leÿ;
North one twelfth o f a mile, North-Eaft by North One eighth |®f a mile,
South by Eaft one fixteenth of a mile, North;-Ea-ft by N’orthione'foiirth
o f a mile, where another river fdl in from the right
one fixth of a mile, Eaft two miles* and an half ; South one .twelfth of à
mile, Nofth-Eaft half a mile, SdutKEaft one third of a fowfej Eaft dn£
.mile and a quarter, Sonth-Sowth-Weft ©re*
Eaft by foft^hàjf a mile, Eaft One mile and three-quâiit^|S|ilthf and
South-Weft by Weft half a mile,* NorthEâft half^amiei,Sohth ondthrfd
o f a mile, North-Eaft by North-one fixth o f a 'mile; Eàft bÿ 'South bnf
fourth of a mile, South oneeighthof a,milei South-Eaft*three:quàrtera-ôf
a mile. The canoe had taken ;in,fo much water, that it waanecesfiasy-foir
us to land here, in.qrder toftop the leakarge, whieh OGcafiOned thedelayof
an,hour<and a quarter, North-Eaft a-quarte^of .a mile; ;EaftwNdrthEaft
-a quarter of a mile, South-Eaft by- South a fixteenth of a milç, ..Eaft ;by
South a twelfth of a male, North-Eaft one fixth o f a mile, Eaft^Sontih*
Eaft one fixteenth of a mile, Soffth-Weft half a mile,'.:*.North-Eaft a
qbarter of a ;miiei Eaft "by; South : half a mile,1 SoÉthrSouthEaft one -»TSg*
few.elfth o f *a mjlej Eaft half a. mile,' NorthEaffr by North a quarter ©f
a mile, SoutluSouth-Eafta quarter o f a mile/» North-Eaft by North one
twelfth of a mile, where a -final! srWer flowed in from*.!the left, South-
Eaft by Eaft one :twelfth of a mile,. Sodthby Eaft ».quarter of a mile,
South-Eaft one eighth of a* toiler Eaft1 one twelfthof a mile, North-Eaft
by North, a quarter of a mile/ SOuth half a- milé/ South-Eaft by South
.one eighth of a mileg NorthEafbone f&urth of? at mile, ;South-Eaft by 1
Eaft,-and* -South-Eaft byiSontft cmethirdof a! milo,EaftrSouth-Eafti and
North-North-Eaftoiae third o f ai mile,> Sand* iSou-th by Weft, Eaft and
Eaft-North-Eaft onei ei ghth of a mile.
I-Iere we. quitted the main branch,* which, : according to the informa^
tion of ?qnf guide, terminates at a {hort,dlftance|vwhë,fè it .is; fupp&d by
the fnow whkh coyers the mountains. In the* raine direction-is à valley
which appears to he of very great depth, and i$ fü$lb bf- fhowbthiat rifds
nearly to the height of the land, and forms a fèftrVoïtëôf îtfelf^fufficient.
to furqilhn river, wbeneveÿ. there! is à ^moderate degree .of ? beater: Tlfc
b ranc h w h i c h w a s not, authistimë/monsthan*tebyards broad,
^Jÿl^h^^^phigbWeffimesed \wasidbllriefti'..'-He®eiifel>,éqne&Ê/was-vbry •
tr;i^jf3g^sa,fSd tb$ * qhaip® 1 meandering^ that ewe fetaetimes fbuftef it diffix^
lt^q^jworh j the canoe forward. The* llraighte edurfe from this - to
the, entrance of a . ftnall lakç or pond^'ijl about. Eaft * one milei .« : This
^ n t r a n q e u ,/the riyer amto,'the*?flake : W&slb^lthbjÉ >ehokèdRüpdhy* h
quantity .©f- drift-wood, whic-b.? appeared to me t©;*be,an exifaordÉ-
.nary jpircumftance ; but it jfalfe dbwn! frbm
the mountains^ The water, :, however, was fa high/*-that, the-eountry