j2y.‘ retum> About twelve ,we patted a river of fome appearance, flowing
* v- ’ from the Eaftwaad. O»ejofthe natives who followed us, called it the
Winter Road-River» We did not find the ftream ftrotigto-day along the
ftorfij, as there were many eddy currents: We-therefore employed thefoil
during fome hours of it, and went ©»Chore for the night at halfpaft feven.
Monday 27. The weather was now fine, and we renewed our voyage at half p a i l
twp. At feven we landed where there were th ree families, fituated clofe
to the rapids^ We found but few people; for as.the Indian who fob
lowed gs yefterday had arrived here, before fuppofed rhatthe
greater part had fled, on the fotelLigence which he gave of our approach.
Someof thefe people we had feen before, when they told us that they had
left their property at a lake in the neighbourhood, and bad .promiled to
fetch it before our return; bat we now f6und them as unprovided as
when we left them. They had plenty of fifh,. fome of which was packed
up in birch bark.
During the time we remained with them, which was not'mote than
two hours, I endeavoured to obtain fome additional intelligence refpeft*
mg the river which had been mentioned on the.preceding day; when they
declared their total ignorance of k, but from as
m thcy had never, been beyond the mountains, on theoppofite Me of their
own river: they had, however, been informed that k was larger than that
which walhed the banks whereon they lived, and that its courfe was towards
the mid-day fun. They added, that there were people at afmafhdifi.
tance up the river, who inhabited theoppofite mountains, and had lately
defeended from them to obtain fuppliesof fifh, Thefe people; they fuggefted,
gelled, ffluft be weft a c q u a i n t e d t h e Othdr fiver, "Which was the
bbjed o f nay inquiry. I engaged One bf diem? 'ksf a 'bribe of fome
beads,fo flefcribe'the drcumjhceWfc Country upon'the fahd? This fibgtdar
map he immediately undertook to delineate, and atecrdiri'Jfy traced’ out
a very long point S f land between the rivers,’though withOm paying the
leaf! attention to their-cottrfes, whithherepYefefited as running 'into the
great lake, at the extremity o f which, laJW bdestf'tiimH^ Ihdiatii of
efher nations, fhdie Hms a BdhOullay Gtkrin, Or White 'Man's Fort!
This I took to be Unalafcha Fort, and OdhfecjTaently the river , to the
Weft to be Cook’s River; and that the body of water Oirfeainto Which
tbfe river dffeharges itfelf at Whafedflahd/coteMhhicaiei #itfi Noffon
Sound.- I made an advantageous proportion to this" man to'adcc^pany
me acrofe the mountains to the^otiier river, but" herefufed it. ’"At
the fame timfe'he recommended hid to ’the people^hlf^^y mentioned
who were ftthmgdn the neighbourhood; as better quailed fS^alfift ffp
in the undertaking which I had propofed.
One o f this fmall company of natives Was grievoufly affli&ed with
ulcOps^hisback; and th'eonly attfeYfttofi Which’ was paitlfohis'mif^aBIe-
edndition; Is for at leaft'aswe cobld dMover,‘proceeded fri>m ^woman,
who Carefully: employed' a bunch of foatheriin;}Ay r i # h t m g l o m
fettling -Upon his fores. r
At t e i f his morning we landed n'ekf the Ioffes’which’ had already^eeri'
raentionedto its-,'and I ordered myye’b^le’to male preparatipnfor paffing
the remairiihg part1’of fhe'&ay h^eyimoM^fd"ibmin' fhit familiarity^
with the’ nativesV^hidH might ind\Tc(flfofern £6‘aSordihe, wfth'oui releWe/M^^
' information