V •'
was uow Wdtfcy North fix »ties, North-Weftby Weft, the fa©wy mountains5
being Weft by South from us,w}&4fa«tdaing loathe Northward as
far as s vnl? could fee. According to the hafennafcion -of the ^ndiasns, they
are part of the chain of: mountains which we approached On the third
of this month. I obtained .an obfcr^atioa this day that gaiveime fSy. 47;
Noith latitude, which was farther Morth/thand expe£ied, accQEdiBg^t® the
courfe I kept; but the difference was owing ?to the variation of the com«
pals, which was more Eaf teriy than I-tin abased. F npm hence it was
evident that thefe- waters emptied. themfHves into the'Hyperborean
Sea ; and though it was probable that, from the want of provifion/. we
could not return to Atfaabafca arirthe i«wirfe jofi the feafari, vFififeveHhe-
k& i determined to penetrate to the-difeharge o f fhei»&ii.<
My new conduftor being very much difeouraged and quite tired of
his fituation, «fed his influence to p-vevem ©ur'qaroeeedirig. He had
never been, he faid, at the ' RenakuIla Toe, <dr White -Maos fLake; and
that when he went to the Esquimaux Lake; which is at-no great diftande^
he paffed over land from the placewhere we found him, and to that part
where the Efquimaux pals the fummerv In ihortj my hbntemisaira he*
came fb difliearteiled from thefe accounts-, and
I was confident they would have left hne, if it had been in their; power.
I, however, iatisfied them, in fame dfegree; by the affuranoe* that I would
proceed onwards but- feven days more, and if I did not'then >get to the
fea, I would return. Indeed, the! low- Rate o f our provifions, without
any other confederation,, formed a very fufiicient fecurity for -the maintenance
tenance <bf my engagements Our lift cotftfe was thirty-two miles, with
a ft r on gar; c orrent than could- beexpe&ed in fnth a low eon n try.
We ’now proceeded North-NoithiWeft four ttstfes, Nafih*Welt three
milesi/ Nokh-Eaft two-rnttes, NorthsWdft Weft three miMj, and
NOrthEaft two miles. At half paft eight; is theJetsgaiAg we knded hnd
pitched <auaf. tents, near tb where there had fefegai three encampments o f
theEfquiinatEXy fence the. teeahing tip o f the ice. The i s a t i^ e ^ 'f e l -
lowed/us yefterdkyv ksfit Us .at our IHtfen tluiS t r u in g . i cOUrfe
of the day we few, large iftoc&sJ of wild fowl.
I fat yp-all night,to,obfyrve the fun. At half paR twelve I called up Saturday n.
,ope meqotoi.yievy: he; bad never before feen;
wheP) 9ftfte#g(th^ |is% & biglUh^'^hfi^hf1 ic.-wassanfigrial to embark,
9^4 *hq »^1 ^>his c(^p^diods,\.whfiiiwQul^;fcaircidy hoped*
me, yhgt dif fu-njha^ potjifefeeSjdedlnoarer to theboridon; and
thatitjWas .pq]$-but.gvfeo¥t;t|mp paft
| We rgp^e^|i|^wf ye*r, till three quarters aftes? tbcee^i when we entered
the c anoe, and fleered gbftut Nbrth«Weft, the river aakangra.•te^ri fer-
.pepjii^^cigrf^-yfAhpul ifefeo - wefaiWiaiOdge! rqfs highiland r at twelve
we;ljaJa4?d,-£tf a? ^0t^whfro»:>iK :obfervediithad5..&iBe! of the natives; had
lately fL^OWR^ed thirty placeS'iwheeetilbiere .had'bpm. fires 3 and
foaae o£ the mert who. went further,, law as many more.; They muft have
iheern h§re?fear ja confiderabfe time, though Undoes not appear thkt they
hafl agy -buts. • A great numbdciof iptMes/'hdwvveh^iWefigfee&
fixgd itk the river, ,t© which they had attached theiE bet®; andjEhere feemeft