ïhé rööïb ittfeïid^fibëSi ,!^l%ëy'affo' aboiïifd iy frbn I faWTöiffé; öf ühëiï
Jöfyi , . * • . • ,
li— "v--- ' twitted collars óf thktfhétAl whith'Wei^héd üp'WéfdS bf twélve pounds.
It -is bStï^iritó barioof föJfiÉlii iéfchëé>'iti ïèligtfcydhd; OM
inch- Éflfeé 4i^ïtel-§^Mê;-i- 'Tte-Örafs-ïs ifiotMh' fqtfairë£:J ebèk* iëö|spë$
B in larger: pieces, and fome P f it appeared 1 to bé olcf ftilièVcut up.
Tnfe]f 4 iS1?é tfinfeet^^hat’ then- Irefni i§ öïahiïfeftutfeti only into
pbYiMrds död dagvers: • Some of thefonwer^hdvfe>véry»iïéa1shdn#è^Mjtlt
a fttvër ëoïtf o f S. quarter or eighth o f» dbllaffÉxêd’ “on thé end of theid;
TJïé hlMésdf the iMtet ate frorn téntö tW^^èinchÊS in'défi^hj 'öhd afeötsi
fëfür IhëKës' bfd&Ü at thé ibpj from which* ÊÏÉëy: ï#té ai
When I produced m f inftruments to .fi&è* ^d&IBifêlêj’ï: %J8!ö6Ë?êï hól
Éö iMaké 'iïfe Öf thëöi. ' f ‘fcöuH heft jftiéfl W i r P
qüéft, but I experienced thé gbèd e!ffi6E!MPthê hbpftKëhfibtf^wHcH thë^
occafioned, as it was vefy cffeÖWl ih: haftenihg niy "Hëphfturë; 'I had
applied feveral times to the chief to prepare "canoes and people t-o take
ÈHe èrid my party to the"feapT>Ut ^ëfytfflë'&ttéiiiihfri had feffiir jpMu to
hay applicatidti till riobri; When È i^ ê 'iflfb ^ e d 'h a t 'a'caSöe'^^ 'pïÖ-
pérly ètjöïpjtëd föf iriy ^óya^è, ^hd that thélyhhi?^°cHiéf' yööld.’ ‘ffbcbfA-
pany mé* I now diltövëfèd iftkt Öihy'had0elftët^.ilied!&a jPfralmEreaW
of the iüftrttmehts^ hut Werie ap^rehfehhVë that tfë 7öpëratidh Of ihëifÈ
might frigh tërr tftff Palmört frorii thWt‘JWfV öf tfié f itëfer;' "1Üè' ob fer v a t ion
taken in this village gavé me 52. 25.gé'NOfth latitudë.’
In compliance With the chief’s reqüëft I dcfiréd raypéóple tb' take-
their bundles, and fay them dbWh’On die bank of the river.' hi thé rrièaff
$p p e j ^pptf^jt^e^pejtfeftepfy^ps of Ip^s. large c^jayp, .ip ylpqb, w$s
fi-gnified to jne, ^ a t ' ab o,uLr vten yrintgr-s,- ggo>hp yept 'atqonhd,qrabJe dif-
tange, toy^rds,rthe .midday ifun, with/o^ty;p£ 'his people, yhenvhe fay
two large yeffqls .full ,pf -IjUjch .men jap .nayfe^f, ,hy;. yhomi-h,e./w,as
ceived;: , they were, he faid, the firft white, people he had feen. They
yerp probably the (hips commanded, by Captain Copk. This canoe was
built of cedar,forty-five, feet long, four feet wide, and three feet and a
half in depth. It was painted black and decorated with white figures
of filh of different kinds:-. The gunwale, fore and aft, was inlaid with the
teeth of the fea-otter.*
When. I returned to the river, the natives who were to accOnipanyus,
and my people, were already in the canoe.,., The latter, however, informed
me, that one of,our axes was miffing:, I immediately applied
tq jthe, chief, and requefted its reftoration.;., but hOVould not underftand
me till I fat, myfelf down* on a ftone, with my arms in a ftate of,prer
paratlon, and*-made it-appear to him that I fliould^hot depart till the
ft c^en article'wa&^reftored.' - The (village was. immediately in a ftate of
uproar, and fome danger was' apprehended from the confufion that
prevailed, iprife The ^ axe, however, which had been hidden under the
qh&f’s canoe* was foon returned. Though this inftrnment was not, in
ifcfelf, eff fuflBeient value to juftify a difpute with thefe people, .1 appre-
dtehfldd that the fuffering them to keep it, after we had declared its lofs}
* As Captain Copke;, has mentioned, that the^ojeople o f the fea-coaft adorned their canoes with
Shuman teeth, I was more particular in my imJuiries^Th^’ refult of which was, the m o t fatisfaftory
proof, that'Jie Was miffiaken : j)hu¥’his miftafee afofe from the ,Veiy great refcihhlance there is between
human teeth and thofe of the fjsa-ot'ter.