m i-
#*8, te Walk in front, «nd beat them"«&&ey, went : this ta>fk tàëy chofe
tö #éliïte, aiftd accordingly I undertook it. ,Q*r «oad now lay along a
ihfcè, and »öföfs'-ff that Tan «tttttitf a The guides Wormed me, that
th é p&rt o f tlfc k&x&xxy aboundsm beaver ;:m*sty traps Were fern along
$y§ road which had bee» fet for lynxes and martens. Aboutoa quzrm
M a raife from the -place where we had been -ftoppedby the tain, the
■ ground 'Wa& c^vePéd with bald, and as: we / advanced^ - the ha®ones .ha-
^eàfedhi fee , t e f e îuCthëm b ^ g :'^ big^ntufebbafia. In tMs tnan*-
■ ®er was the ground whitened for'upwards pf two miles'. - At fwp inthe
afternoon we arrived on the banks of another lake, when it again, threatened
M b y-«Ad.Wè- 4**1 â*»aâ|y*^miB^«»tlyiW6taseaa rrrihe oouale of
day,'- té- ,1§©| With tbeiöpteceiicy towards-^repetaKron o f it . ï we ap-
•oPrèfegfyted -oar {bod, the rain c-pminuing with gtfeat \doienoe:tforotigh
‘thè reminder of-tfee day: itwas, therefo^idetermined, th a* we>fbauM
ftop héte for the b%1fls
In the courfe o f the d a yw e 'pU lM tlte wirfterAuts; ttheycorfhedbf
low walls, wkh a ridge-pole, covered with the branches, of the Canadian.
^tdfom-Wee. <Me "‘pf^ay. m«fe had a ^folent >paia «®'ihk»tfcnpe,;tell
sdked the guides to t&keafhave b f las burden,, as theyhad ®otfbi»g to,
«carry but their bcat*er tobes, and bows, and «aims, -bat they >saudd- not.
-be made tonnderftand a wotd of '-tHy ^requefL- ;
Satux^yg., - At four this morning I arofo froth ®«y bed,:fu^h as it was.
imu&have beenfo. a fnioft unforttmateTpredkamdhli, if. ourignidfes fooirld,
,hawidefe*t«Lt» m the night, by wa jeo f ifccudkyp-I fpropored t© tthe-
-youngeft of them itt, heep.wilh me, and. he .readily .contented; Thefe
peoplè haveHcovering ^>ut their heaver garments, and that of tny com*1
panibbs wiai a nélf ó f vêrniiri. ; I, howeveyyjprehd it under us, and having
faid down, upon- it,- wéicovered mirtel ves with. my cambtet. qfoak. My
Companion’s hair being gréafedwith fifh-oil,l and his body hneared viith
red earth; my tenfe-'Pf tellin g,-‘as well as that of feeling, threatened to
-interrupt niy- reft -•■ but (thefe inconvehiettcmflyieMed Ito my fatigue, and
«I paffedarnght of foua$d<repofe;. fe
I tôok the lead in bur inarch,'las' I had done yefterday,1 in order to
^leaf'thé branches of the wêt\ifiifcH continued to hang upon them. We
^prócebdèd vHth dll'pdffibfe^expediti oh 'fHrbh^h' a TeVel country with but
ditrfe'bhder-wbbd thb Yafgëi trees vifere;/*fef the fir kind. ' At half paft
fbll upiSh^e road; whièh We firft intended to haVe taken from
'the "Gréaï^fâvè^l’and mùft befhorterthkftthat Which we had travelled.
:Thfe V&df-fôàdiTiVCr wW^fó lh-fighd/d’indihg through a 'valfey. We had
bdt Vde&with any' water ftneefeur encampment df faft night, arid thbugh
'‘we w tf l’ fkffi$ed 'with fiölèhï’tbirft,'the -river Was at fuoh a diftance
I f ro S ’hlVbhd the defcent to* it fo long and fteep, lha-twe were compelled
to lie fatisfiecT with calling óur longing looks towards it. There appeared
-'to be müfè water in the river h’ere, tbap at' its dilcharge. The Indian
"àècôutrt, fiiàt’it is 'navigable for-thdlr -'canoës, is, I believe, perfebUy
P cbrrëêt. '
Our guides noW t-old !us, 'that as -the foadw&s very good and well
f^aced, tfteÿ Would pröbéed tö informfhè éëxt tiihethat Wè were comiïig-
This in{bimafi0n‘ tvâS ôf a v è r y uhpfeafant nature ; as it would have
- been eafy for’’them to'turn'o'ff the-road-atsan hundred yaids froisuus; iaod,
P p 2 when