fowingi when they arrive in Canadain the femmer. . Inrt^tC@SïIê;C>f
the following winter, they, are made rsqtfeed
for the favages V?^they are then packed into-parcels of ninety pounds
weight each, but caftnot be lent frotn l^lontfeeah until the May. folfe sfeg;
lb. that «key do not get to market until theenfuing winter, when they are
exchanged for furs, which come to Montreal the next fell, and from
thence are Ihipped, chiefly to London, where they, ace; not fold o r paid
for before the fucceeding fpring, or even as late as June; /which is forty-
two months after the goods were ordered in Canada; thirty*fix after
they had been Ihipped from Englahd, and twenty-four after they had
been forwarded'from Montreal; fo that themerchant; allowing that he
has twelve months credit, does not receive a return topa yfforfh qfe
goods* and the neceffary expences attending them, which is about equal
to the value o f the goods themfelves, tiH two yearsafter they are Con-
fidered as cafe, which makes this a very heavy bufinefk ^ There is* feveh
a fmall proportion o f k that regrrires twelve -mohfeS longer» te brinj*
round the payment, owing to the immenfe diftance ibis carried, and froht
the feortnefs of the feafons, which preVentsthe furs, even after they are
collefted, from coming out of thè country for that period.
* This will be better ill ultra ted by the following ftatement: -
'We will fuppofe the, goods for 1798 ; ,
1 The orders for die goods are feat to this country 1 * • - • - 25th ÖB. »79^
They are Ihipped from London • - - - . ft ^ .'bfoohri'jgy.-, ,,
Theyarrive in Montreal - ^ - - - - dfiÉ Jt>po*,797‘.
They are made up in the courfc of that fummer and winter.
Theyare fe»t from Montreal • u.‘ T : •.> fef •. j SnÖB
They arrive in the Indian countryband are exchanged for furs the following,winter 1798-Ö.
Which ftirs cdiheta Montreal } - ! » • Jr . - *'■ ' - ' ' S%f.¥7gj}.'
And are Slipped for London, where they-afe ib^jinjMarch and, April, and paid
for Inftfay orJ|ine . *-" " , r" 1800.
Thearticlfis neceffary fo r thiskiatte, are eoarfe woollen cloths of dif-
miIled%Man.kots of different lizess arms and ammunition!
twill ahdJoarrofclidshec'O; Maduheftgp jgtois; linens; i and coarfe fceet-
in^ ifthrfeadidiiies' and twin^'; Icdmmotn hardware * |cutlery and iron*
mongery-pf feveral dcfteriptionsf kettles o f brafs andf copper, and &eet>
iron;-filk andispton.handkerchiefs; and:hpfe; calicoes and
JUdMed;ffc®tt@h^4fee.: ; 1 Spirituous »fiqUers/ and' prOvifidiis-are
pur^halbdiin Canada. Thefe, and th#expUnce of #anfpoȣ to and from
the> Iobfett eoahtry» foefodin|fWages fotd&rkb, interprets», guides^ and
•c&noetmen, withthe/e^pSMeiof -mating''dip the^ goods for »the market;
form''about halffhe-‘annual amount again!! the adventure.» >%
This expgn^tarem ffinpda ultimately ten4^ epc.outageni^
man^a^pry^for^ th^fg-rwbto aye fpipfoycd . Jp
branches p f this iiufinefs. ajjp e^a^led» bY|tjfejr,gains fo purchafe fuch
Bridfcatticlq| aathey mul|h ^ rvnftjfe^ega. ,
The;prodii*ée‘ôf thé ÿeaf of which I an! now fpeaking, ëórfnuéd of the
following fors'and Ji^ltiies :
100,000 sReaver feins»
v. s too Bear feins, >r
j lj^op jSjm fep?s,
L ;; 4ppo,fvitt fp x feips,
.i'sé^00 feins,
; 3 7renn Mufoijalh feins,
, ^2^09 hforfop, feins,....ÿ
. a;8^o^Mink feins, ,,
Gqço Lynx feips, ,
^00 Wolverine-feins, ,
16*p Fifeer feins» ]
loo Rackopn £MbèM
g8pO Wpfe.fejP^ Jt--,
700 Elk feins,
• >■759 Deer feins,,
y 3QP,,Deer feins, drefed».
^00 Buffalo robes, and a quantity of cafforum.
' H H d Of