juni* ^iat fliQuld be releafedTrom a fervice which he had foiind'fa ir&folne
^psPfjw and. full o f danger. I had an obfervation at nóOn) which made our latitude
54. 2g. 43. North. I alfotook time^ and foundritflowapparen«
time ii.^8- 44. I
The weather continued the fame as the preceding day,-and accordijag' to
the dire&ions which I had previoufly given* my pespiébegan atavery early
hour open a road, through.which we might earry.a part;o£our lading ■
as I was fearful of rifquing the whole of it in the canoe, inrits; ptefèrk
weak Hate, and in a part ' is' fuii*of {h©afe‘hnd rapids?
Four men were employed-to.condu'tl her, lightened&shfife was* ©ft’&blve
packages; - They palled fever^hdftiiger©® ptöee^land IrflefcWith* variSlf
obftruöions, the current p f the river béinghfrefuemly Aojlpdd-by rafts
o f drift wood, and fallen trees,; fothat after föurieen;hQurs iïa«d bÉöür
WC. had not made more than, three mites.;!. Our -t^utfe was :;Söuth-Ea{l
by 'Eaft, and as we had not met with any ac cident*, t h e ën’ a pp(|aredrip
4®II a reriewedxoürage to continue their,voyage-. In the tnOfnirig,"however,
-one of the crew, whofe,name was Beauchamp!, - peremptorily ;f%fufed
to embark in the capoe. This being, 'the ' Brft eK ad p i^ f ^blolhte^di^
ohCdienpe which had yet appeared during the eoürfe afpuf 'ètfpëditibrii'
I Ihould not havé; palled it Over without tekingd2»mè yety-rl^é^ hie"èns
to prevent & repetition o f i t ; but - as i he had Aêrigenè4a?l^Aèfyil;%r*^P w
fimple feUow, among/his companionsi' and h a d b e en 'ir ig^
what little fenfe he polfelfcd, b^r-.öBö:?latS idangers, I rather prëfé^rkd5 iö '
confider him as unworthy’ ofr'aecomp.anying us, and'to Yepréfétie ‘"him;'
as an objeft of ridicule>nd contempt for his pafilknidioü& ■ bchayiOWf';
though, in fad, he was a very ufeful, a&ive, and laborious aaifi h
At the clo:fe#fl;t!fe:d ^ y a fle th b le d round,a hia?ipg'fire; and th? J7S3*
whole! party, ydthfbphfh^lbeverage which I f^ptplied ‘W ■»— •*
on thelevoepafions, &*]§©* t^eirfatigues.and apprehenfiops,; .»or did
dad to-anticjpatpth? pleaf^rje -they ihppld puipy in ^getting .clear
yif theh prefent4iffic^ i ^ and gliding onjvards with.aflrai^g/aod Heady
^ream, whi®h! ppf of .the large
-river. we foot* exposed to enter.. 5
The .fine weather con,tinned, and we began our work, as ;wehad done Sunday iS.
4he .preceding day; fome were ppcuptefl in,evening a road,, others were
^rryiE^and,4fee:^cft j^mplpye^fp the.panae, I was.pf thp
foft p#rifaand fpqn rfjiat we had encamped about half
a ,mile ^t^tpt49f4un the
canqe, lightened even as lhe was. § This tyrgumftance rendered.it necef-
fary that; the tpadwtitbecanpefta
pafs; a tedious and toilfome work. running her down a rapid, above
the falls, an -.'h^e was-feroltpa in her bodp™» which <®pcjahoae4 a<Wi#*
derable delay, as -we werpdeltitute o f the materials neceflary for her
effeftual reparation, -On -my being infqrmedof ;tfiis misfortpiie, i .returned,
and -ordered Mr. M^ehay, with two Indians, .tp quit their ocqu-
pation/ in mairing the epad, apd -endeayopr fo; penetrate tp -tl?P jgteat
river, according tOithe diteSlipP which {l>e guide ,had communicated,
without paying any attention to the couide of the river before us.
When the people had repaifed the canpe in^ the -bed manner they were
able, we condufkdher to; tbe.lbead of the.falki flie was .then unlpadfd
.and taken jQuttof the^wete^-.when 'dif*
G g tance