taâcè :äiföü§Ka low, fwlhipy country1. I -appointed* fotfr men to this
föbOrioüs'olfece,'which they' executed at' 'the‘ peril- ofriÉelrJiveS'/fQrthè
baboe was1 flèrw beëothé îty heavy, from^flîë ad#Âlèna!F^ûâhtitÿG'bf’ît)ârk
ancPgbm1 hëcéïföi^’itö* febrÿ>Tfïfer
ïriore èian an HuiidVed
feÿ ihföügh 3ë£?p fctófl; ^Hfóh* fyW-i^aêtéOE-
and proftrate trunks ô f trees, they1 w'ête-ëveff mdrrîêbts in- d a n |i i ^ f felling;
aftd beneathfuch a weight, one falfe Hep might have been atfébde’d
SrctK fötal éóöfeqnh’fi€eil;’ The tithef l# S tóén afld- mÿMflfbïïôWéd-as-- fall
5äs wé fcouMj'with th é raSfijgP Thüé 'did Wë felFtfll fëvélSf ikrföëk1 ’%• -the
^veriihgifcrgèt'fö:tïfe termtóatiêd^öÏ^ theürÖ&dfffiat jh id ^Â S Îîfi]âdrë iff Éïe
'tóörhihgf' Hére Mr. Maekaÿ^àhd theTiÂlS^èinéâ'tt^, a i ^ h # fS g been
-a t! thé Hvfer, ; which lihèy fèpi-éfëfiféd >asf ratftèr- förgë. Theÿ'-hàil
*feÿvèd^,! that-the lbWërpaWöf-thê'Hverbéfëi^ns%a#%Twl‘bTfö|ilii^ïi;i iÉ ,
-îhât thé' Getópt- tol clear a -paffö^^hröugh'i^S^öéW^bë M unavailing
^labour. ; -The ’■ éöuhfiry- through2 #hich they h a d 1 !f>ïffêdövfe!s,i febtófs/»aÉÖ.
•almöft impenétrablfeWOöd; In-paffing övéréhei6Ffhfe ‘eiMbafi%S',:!ö i r dbg,
- which was ‘following them, fell in, ähd it Was witK^^y ^reafc dimëöfey
' that hé wis' favèdj ‘ab thébarheht hid ‘êariöëd hitó ii«dsr«ffiii'drife4J ^Tfiiy
'bfóhghf^thithèm 'tWb‘geëfe,;wMéh hadhéén théir
-* expedition! : T o add tb' óür' perplexities and‘ embarrlfftóéëitS;'' Wé wéte
* pérfecuted by mufquitoes and fand-fiie's, thföughthe'whóleïb&thetday.;
The extent of our journey was not more than two miles South-Eaft ;
‘ and fo much fatigue anb'paih hâd bèenfùffered -ih thé cqürfe ofàt/that
my people, as might1 be expe&ed, looked ' forward- to a continuance -of
it with difcöüragément and difmäy. I was; indeed, informed that murmurs
rants' prevailed among ^them, off which, ;?'howebet, I took no. notice;
When we‘Wem^alfembled'-togeth^rffiar the night, I gave each o f them a ‘ v '
dram, andih a {hort tifaenhey.retirhdjtfd'thg repofe which they fo much
requked£vgWe,icbuhl dff0oltel!'st&d^#Bmi«atiottlmountains' at a
eonfiderable' diftanc&/oiS eitheE cfidtelofeus; w|iicfet according to my coni'
'J$6 fe«^^'t»Ma45ted#t^e--#ctwi#r'^|inJiN8 !®efl*i:^®r=pr£ja ,Oa'the moufeains to the
EaH very) viable to us.
^H av in g fat up.tid twelve laft night, Which had'heen.my conftant pra?- Monday 17.
^iee fince we had taken our, prefent guide, I aypke Mr. Mackay to watch
him in turn. I then laid,:dow;n to red, and at three I was awakened
Ito be infqrnrod-that he. .had.,defeated. lf.Mr. Mackay, with whom I was
difpleafed on. this occafion, and thqCancre, accompanied by the dog,
Went in fearch of- him, but he. had^made his efqape *. a defign which he
-had fpr fome time meditated,Jthough I had. dpne every thing in my power
to induce him to remain with roe. ,
„ , This | misfortune did not produce any relaxation in our exertions.
At an early hour of the morning we were all employed in cutting a pai-
fage of three quarters, of a mile, through which we carried our canoe and
cargo, when we put ter into the. water with her lading, but in a very
Ihort time were flopped by the drift-wood, and were obliged to land
and carry. , Tn (hort, we purfued qur alternate journies, by land and
water, till noon, when we cquld proceed no further, from the various
- fmall unnavigable channels into which the river branched in every di-
. reSion; and no .other mode of getting forward now remained for us, but
G g 2 b y