ftream, andrefts upon drift ^vood, fo as to fie eight,or tenfeetideep*
: Tbe -feadern hanks are more- qlpy%t©4 s tpid the foil ayellow,.day mixpd
■ with gravely fo that 1^he--tr^es,,are' neither fo large ,os .numerpps asop-thé
oppofite ihore. The ground was not thawed above fourteen inches in
depth; nqtwithftandipg tóhodeaf was at % full growth; fcWlfc.iUte|o^»the
lake there was fcarcplyapy appearance of veydpre., i .
Thpj Jndians informed mp, that, at a very fmall didance from eiljier
bank of the rivef, are very extenfiye plains^frequpnted by- large herds.of
buJ|a]oes;i| while the moofe^and rein-deer keep in the woods that border
oa it:|^^3^.ij^ a ^ ^ \^ c h ..a fê ' in great number^, - build their: habL
tafiqpgipthpjJmall -Jakes , and riyers,4as, in the .l|irgeyIflre^s\s/ the, ice
carries every thing along with it,r duringthe fpring. .The mudhapks
in the, riyey are c?qverp4 ; with wild fowl;
fwans, -ten geefe, and one beaver, ^ithouhvfuSetpig
hour; fo thafcwe might-have foon filled the*. canop;;with them,, ijftfiat
had been our objefit. ;
««From the fmall river we fleered Eafl, along^e, infide|||L;a Lqngfapd-
b a |^ ,coveted, with, drift wood and enlivened-hy aTew-willqws,, whiph
ftretchesopas farastherioufes, ereffp d b y Meffrs. Grant and :Le;Ro.px,
in 17S5.V We often ran aground, as,for five fucceffjyd'jniles the (fpp/h
o f thé water no where,exceeded three-feet. There we found our people,
whahad arrived early,in the morning, andyphom we had nQhf^pj:|ince
the preceding,Sunday.., We now unloaded the canoe, and pitched qur
^jots, as there wfs every appearance that we Ihould obliged to remain
here for tome time. ■ I then ordered-.the, pets to be fet, a^jif'.was ahfq1?
, Iritely t lÄcefiafy tthäh tfie sßores provided for ' our - future -vbyagetfliould
remain untouched. werè marp, poiflbn inconnu,
white fifll, and trout, ha
r It rained during the greateft' parhof thqprpceding night, 'rind the Wednef. 10.
weather didfiot ole^^up ^ I th ^ p fe ip ^ n S if thisi dby.- This circum-
ftanbe h ^ Very, hiuch weakened the ic’p,and I 'fent'two^of the Indians on
an hunting party’itera lake af fhe* they
informed me, WakfrequeritM- fty* animals of various kittdadi '©pf fifhery
this day was not fo abundant as it had been on the-preceding aftfernoOn.
The weather was fine and 0 0 0 with,- ® HMrig \^e’flei4y Mnd^ * The Ttenfdayil.
women were Employed' in gathtt-i«g'’ hhrries; Of different fbrfsj o^which
there are a great plenty ; and I accompanied' one 'of my people' to a fmall
erijhqent ifland, where We picked up TOifte:idbzeiik of fw ^ gedfe,-arid
duck-eggs; we alfo killed a COriple of ducks and a gbOle. H
In the eyening the Indiahs returned,1 Wiflidut hdvirig feen an^ o f the
large! animals. A fwari arid their
expedition/' We caught no othe'Ffilh but dTfinal! quantity of'- pike,
whddh ijs too c o m in d r ih i ri fevoufitri fOpd'- wrih ’ the phbpd^f the -
country. The ice moved a little to the eaftwafd.
The weather continued the fame as yefterday, and the mofcpiitoes Friday n,
began to vifitus in great numbers. The tce moved again ip' the famfc
direiQion, and I afcended an hill, but could not perceive-that it was
broken in the middle o f the lake. The hantersfkilledri goofe ahdhhred
C The