1 The difeonténts •Ssf-our hunters Wefe.nóW renëWëd by thej accounts
July* , . . . ; ; : ^ < 1 , .
~*v -J which dür-güMe1 had been giVifig' öfthat part’5of ©ut-vöfage (hit was
approaching»Accörding-tbI iiis-* information, we! '##^%>ötee a lafger
lakd óh> thé Neither
thing abo%ï it,^Skc^t!that part-whidhdè'öp^litë to, and not far from,
'thêir cöuntry. The Efquimaux alotiëf he.added, inhabit its {horë§,and
kill a large fifll (hat is: founding whichis a principal part i>f their foo&f
this/Wé pmfumëd,
and another large animal which Was>feeh in thole
could not uiidë'rltand the défcriptiön ‘which hé g'aVè öf it.* • Hei alfó re^-
prefented theircanoes* as being o f a latJgëèöftflrü&ion/ WhiehWoëlef e%rni
inodibdfl^ > êo^taih - födr or five families.8 HoWeVé-r,; fp trbcoöïêile -th'!
Engliftf JeMef to the neceflary continuance ih rriy fe'r^iöë^ I-’pteleiitëd
him with one o f my capots or travelling coats; at the fame time/fo
"fatisfyi the guide, and keep Jiinij if poffible, in gböd htffflour/I g&Vêhim
& (kin of the* •mcrofö-deer, which, in his 'opinion* Wasa valuable 'prifeiit.
Sunday is* It rained with WolenCe throughout the night, and (ill-two in'; thé 'morn-
ang t the Weather continuing very cold. ; We proceeded öh-ihë'fhrne
meanderingicourfe as yefterday, the wind‘Nbrth-North-Wéft*'and the
country fo naked that fcarce a (hrub Wastd t e feen.''1 Attédin thëdnPrïi-
-ing, we landed where there were four huts, èxafÖy vthè famè a# tböfe
which have been * Jo lately»defcribed* The adjacent landf-' is 'high
and covered with fiiott grafc and flowers/ though; %he’ earth ia<&
thawed above1 four inches from >ïhe'~ furface; beneath which wasa
folid body of ice. This beautiful appearance, howeve'rj'wasftrarigely
contrafted with the ice and fnow that are feen in thé vallies. The foil,
Where there, is any^s atyfeliow day mixed with fttmeSi' -Thefe huts appear
to havebeen inhabited during the laft winter ;fapd-we had. reafón f
/to think* thhtf feme of lhe nail^stihad ^ett i^tely-thecas the beach
was covered with the track of their feet. Many o f the .runners and. bars
of their fledges w5ere laid together, near the houfes, in a manner that
'feetned to'denote the return offhef proprietors*' There were alfo pieces
o f nesting madeofftnews; and fobie- bark ofthe willow.* The thread o f
the Former was plaited* and no ordinary portion of time ;mufr have been
employed in manufacturing fo great: a length of. cord. A fquare ftone-
«kettle, with’aflat bottom,.'alfo occupied our attention, which'.was capable
o f containing two gallons; and we were puzzled *as to the means thefe
peopleunuft have employed to have chifelled it out of a folid rock into
its prefent form. • T d thefe articles may he added, dm^ll,pieces/of flint
fixed intQfïhandles o f wood, which; probably, ferve-as knives'; fe’verd
wooden duties; the ftern and part o f a large,oanote; pieces* of very thick
ieatifacxy ïthe^cóveriu^tdf .flevéral
-bones o f large flfh,ianduwtr heads - but we could not’determine the anl-
m a f tpjyhichr they belonged, though we conjedured that it mull be the
fea-h©rfe.j.' ,* g i a g:
,, When^we had fatisfièd our xuriofity.'we re-embarked,'but we were
a t a,Ipfe|what ,C©urfe.to fleer, as. our guide feetnedfto’ bdas ignorant of
thi^pb^y^aspiu-lelves;. «1 Though, the .cur rent was very ;flrang/ \ve. ap-
ppaicd'to have.come to the entrance of the lake. ) The flream fet to the
{Weft, andwe went with it-to an high point, at the diflancêi of about eight
.miles, which we conjeSuredto be an Aland; but,-on approaching.it, we
perceived it to.be com b e d with the dhote Hysafo#«eck of knd* I-now
Ï 2 * took