We embarked^ on' thié Tafcè, which is in tlifescfame i©ê%rfej ?®c[
into Ja fmall river, '^^%^T©^tó^»>'tóUe*ï!tSr0od|-,as to employ fome
time, and require; foihte exertion, to force a paflage.' A t the-entranoe> ft
aSbSded'Mo moreviatêr «tha& was Juft^ftiffiGient to bea#4 hejcan0 © t bnt4 t
tras föón - itfcféaföd by -tn'any1 fmall- flreams^wfapsliyeraaeda bnstefilriite
down tbe re^^diffides ©flyhe imminMpi#afid >Wprè forni&ed;as J fupK
pofe, by thé melting.of tbe fnow. TJafefe^&fcGeffoEy/flreamlets bad alhthfe
eoldnefsssd^ dee*'; 0i»i qotnrf© hontinuedHlo bet obAróftsÉ -byt *ba*dtsn®£
grayeL:as ;^i;iajs»;|refs, which: bad,dallyni api^Sj^hfeiiK^. r We ,wege
obliged to £oEce-our tvay thfopghjthe onèi Mid t.o c.$£ttjj£r^ugbjthe-q&h$Jb
at a great £expéncfe;ó£Tiiaq.#i?^ (trpwbléH I.1? ro^yt*pla^;.4h^ieu,lire^i|
was alfo very {rapid yand ■ .■ sOffaadeijflffyr A^.-four in -the
flopped to unload andcagry, and aty fiyje,^%©nt©reda hnall i$und,Iake
o f jabqpt on©, third of a gg^lp,,in di§}?|©Jór~/2 Erjam^tifffi laft lake to this
is, I think* in a^ftraight
that diftance b y fh e dWffljfe
which fopn ran withgreatTapipity,and rulhedjm petuopjfly .qyenabpdjPf
flatgApjops«, A t (half paft Wt$e4 fcflp0 f3 thaf lay,
an-nfe the rivp^ and it w^swith great, dffiqpltyth^j; jhesq|ï|o|v,|fas pg|j|
vented from driving- againft them. Here..we p n l^ d ^ jp d farfnedr?quT
The weathpr wascloudyand raw,, and as. the, circumfiaqces^ of this
day’s voyage had compelled u& to. be frequently .in the \yater* which,
was cold as, ice, we were almoft in # benumbed ftate. Some of the
people who had gone afliore to, ligtuen the canoe, experienced great, difficulty
: tHeoountPy ; it was, inïïÉéfed,
almoft^da-rb-’wh'ërr they' arrived. Wè'hadno fbOMP landed than
I fent two men down the river to bring me fome account Óf; its; eircum-
ftancesj fthat I mightfibrm ;ayjddgrnebD'èff \Ae difficulties whichi might
'awaitiuS/ön'yhfcrnorröWïfcattd'theyitbroufghtbadtiafearfufdetailof rapid
curnents^rfalfeh trees, arid .'large ftohes. At this »place our guide mani-
-fefled evidentfymptöms öfldifeonfént:} rhe had .been very-much alarmed
in :.ig!oiflg dowö'-föffie @fthe r a p icbwit h; us ,a n d ’èxpféfied anlanxietyto
pëitóra;: Meffie'htëffius'm motetainyafe mo-great .diftance} . which 'he re-
.prefeflted as being joIi the other fide ó f a rlVeii; into which this empties
jtfeffi $
§P§H|H i morning the men began to1 cut a roady?fc Timrfcfey 13,
'order'tènêa^fjKthe èahoe- and Jading heyond the rapid; ’and'hy. feven they
-wete^ r©ady'i ■ T h a t bil feéfs whs Toon:effefted/and ih e caixcfe heïaden,
tó prdéëdd with ;the current which fan with great rapidity.1 f lb order to
•lightenIher,r it: WaS’my intétition to walk with fónret óf the people; but
Ihofe in thé boat -with great earneftnefs requeftèd iftre to • embark, de-
td*aring, at theTarnetirne, that,!'if'thèy • perifhéd, I Ihonld pefrlh with
them. I did not therfimagthe in how Ihort a period their apprehenfion
would -be juftified; We acCordmgly pufhed-offhand had:proceeded but
awery Ihort way when the chnoe>ftruck,*'and- notwkhflandirig all our eX-
ertionSj the violence .of the cufrent wayfo greatfas to: drive ftier/fidewaysl
dowrn the rivet, and break hereby the firft bar, ❖ hen I ihftantly jumped,
intói the ivafèryand'the men followed my example; but befofèwè cóüld
fet f|lér ftraight,' or flop hfeF;iwè cameltö; deeper water}* fó that we wécer
obliged to he-embafk wit-hftteLutnlteft ;precipitktio% -f One qf the^éh:
F f > who