alarm, as wé imagined that we had heard two reports more then they
acknowledged; and,' in their turn,-they declared that they5had heaffÉ
twice the number of thofc which wé knew had proceeded from us. The
Indians were therefore Certain, that the Kniftenéaüx mult be in our vicinity,
oh a war expedition, and'iconfCquently, if * they wére numerous^ we
fhould havé had nö reafon to expëét the leaft mercy from them in this
diftant country. Though I did not believe that circumftance, hr- that
any Of the hativesjéöhjd hé in poffeffion of fire-arms, I thought: i t right]
at all events, we fhould be -prepared. Our fufees were,- therefore, primed
and loaded, and having extinguifhed our fire, eacfrof us took his Ration
at thefoo&ófi&tiK^ Ibtïerewé paffed an uneafy and refllefs fiigh^^^
- The fucceeding moming being clear and pleafant, We1 jjrBteéHedat
an early hour againft a rapid Current, interfeöed by iflands. rAbout
eight wè paffed two large treeS, whofe foots having been undermined
bp thé current, had:recently fallen- into the river';?ta'rid, in my opinion,
the crafh of their fall had oecafioned. the. nbi'fe -Which'- caufed
our late alarm. In this manner the water ra v a g e the, iflands in
thefe rivers, and by driving down great quantities-ofVodd]‘forms the
foundations of -others. The men were fo oppfeffed with fatigue, that'it
waSneceffary they fhould encamp at fix io tfife*afterhöórfy ‘Wé,‘ therefore,
faflded on a f’andy ifland, which is a very uncomih'óti' objeft,' as'-,thé
greater part of the - iflands'confift of a bottom ófi'fömid fföhéS and
gravfel; covered firoim threê^tö ted Teet %ifh !mudlEHd95M drift-Wóod.'
Beaver-work waS as • frequently; feén as* on thé ‘^rëceding day1.' 3
Oh thé 3d of June We Tenewéd buhi^feydgjé’fvith the fffihg ftiii; A t
noon I Obtained f a meridian altitude, which gave. 55-;22.3. North latitude.
I alfo took time, and the>watch was flow-1. 36.14. apparent time.
According to my calculation, this place is about twenty-five miles South-
Eafl of the fork.*
*«I fliall now proceed with my ufi|al, &hichjt'as,I ljave already mentioned, has been, for
tome days, fufpended, from the loffof my book of obfervation.