in Varihm directions, he repofes it on the forks;, .he then roakesafpeech,
to explain tbedefign IihÉÉhflif b$*ng calledfogfther, whjejii eoppLuiiesj
’with an acknowledgment pf paft merqies, and a prayer for the continuance,
of them, fronrtho Life* s;He then {its down, and the whole;
company declare dMr approbation, and thanks by uttejing ,the word h& h
with an emphatic prolongation pf the laft. letter. T,he Michiniw§i§ .then
takes up.the pipe and holds it to,the;mouth pf the officiating perfon,
who, after fmoking three whifis ««it of it, utters a {hort prayer,
goes round with it, taking hia.caurfe from Eaft to Weft„tl© eyerpp^rf»
prefent, who individually fays fometbing to him on tip accafipn: and
thus- thepipe is-generally {moked out; when* a&errtnrning?'lt7thïee-»ö&
four times round his head, he drops it downwards, and replace^ it in
its original fituation. He then returns the company thanks for therö
attendance, and wifhes them, as well, as the whole txib^, health and long
life. .
TKefe fmoking rites precede every matter of great impprtance, with>
more or Ms cerempny, but- always witkequal felemohy^ :Iih© » ih iy «§
them will appear from the following relation.
I f aehiefis anxious to know thedi%ofition pf h^ people f©wards tóffle
©r if he wiflies to fettle any. difference; between thpm/ Jl#pannounppSr hife
inteni-ion of ©penmg his medieine^bag and fmokirtg juvhis facred ftem ;
and no man who entertains a gmdge agaiaft any of fhe, party thuSia^Tem,-
bkd.ean fmoke with the {acred ftem; as that, ceremony diffipates tdlidilk
ferences, never violated.
•. No one can avoid attending on thefe occafions; but a perfon may
attend'and be excufed from affifting 4t the ceremonies, by acknowledging
thathphds not'undergotle themeceffary purification. The having
eobabited'With 'hiswife, or any other woman,] within twenty-foilr hours
preceding the eeremonyftrehders him. unclean, and, confequently, dif*
qualifies him -from performing, any part o f it» - If a cent raft is entered
into and folemnifed by-the .ceremony of fmoking, it never fails of being
faithfully fulfilled.. If-a pbrferyprevious to his going a journey, leaves
the &ered Item as a pledge o f his'return, no- confideration whatevef will
prevent Him fiiom executing his; engagement.*
f The cbiefcpWhen he proppfes; to make a feaft; fepds Quills, ©r final 1
ipjbfefSiofi woodj -afs tokens of invitation to fuch as hfewilbes to partake of
i^ sr'Af the; appointed time the gaefts arrive|fejach bringmg a^ dilh or
platter,; and a .knife; and take their feats on. each- fide of the chief, ■ whpiYe-
ceivesfthem fitting, according totheirrefpeCUyU' The pipe is then
lighted, and he makes an equal- divilion of «.every - thing that is pro-
videdi - While the company are> enjoying theirmeahthemhief-fings,
and accompanies his fong vdth the tambourin^-'or;-fhifhiqupi, or
rattle. ; * The gueft who has firft eaten his portion is confidered us
the rhoft dfftinguifhed perfon. If there fhould b e 'ally who- cannot
firtilh the wholfe-?©f thei!feuihefsf they endeavour to ; prevail on fomeof
their friends to eat it for them, who.'are rewarded for their affifiance
with ammunition and tfobacco:&' It islp f ©plbr.alfo * to remark, that at
* It is however to, be lamented, that of late there is a relaxation of the duties originally attached
■ to thcfe feltivals.' *"
, thele