| 1 § | by two forks, joins «IfotfOitbè m m :toMpgL!#r I fM s# uk-
*— <v—^ *pofes. which neednot be repeated.
•; When we /were! furrounded jby ;tto patiygç nn ^yr ftrriyftlj LtOPUPt#
tfijsty-fiiw beeuiahfeg;
T cynnot, therefore,éafettlasÈedbe Jéfôtlw»
:tjWO;h9 ndr«d;fosIiS.. ?
o The people who .accompanied us ;h,itherj ;froip .feïi^th^^iUgg?,
- had „given • the chief a very pa rtic ular ,- ae çp ppt <0 Lei^e By îpg t>hey r&S^F'
^opejerniitg us : I was, therefore,uJ^ueffed <ta jpçodbQPjSÎ^AfeOP^PMfiêl
ÿ ^ r iHnents; «or cquld I have iî»»yf#fej80ÎÔP 'JS> &S^rd irt^ dfjî^ fâMï
afâQdoe, (#s:ttey wppld■ jaeç^a|üyf#dd’-;£p p as importance iWfîksr
... Nearithehonfe p fjh e chief T~olifsïwed feveSsÉ - ^
. ;ahQiiti,twp«t.f. feet cbÿ> eight. oBfây vswôee stades î^C- thick cedar taRM#»
which were i3eingd;wi$h iJW
were joue pieqt . iThey. < were painted! wirth hiqfpgj ypfôi^ëlgd11^; JtâftÇ#s
r^filiflpept’ animais, -and .vgÿhiaj^eg^ébdfiiqsf1! 1^ ^ ^ J&Qêi
>be jexpeSed ’&ooe îfûoh jan. :iiocithiyjS$ed. ÇfSPgfôs T ;i§ÇluM,
the ufe cof them, g bût tthey?jappearfid to heuéaioftlatëdî föï
.«afitfc lofîdevotkm îor afacjifiee^itwhich.aU, tbefe^fiP^SJipêrfoW'^tjjlfaft
twice in the year,:at the. fpringtand fall, il was GP.nfî‘rny?d4n}this ^pinipn
by a large building in the middleof the village, which I at fir ft took for
.•.fhehaff finifhed jfname .df-an ihouie. ^ThfeigBftwijdspl^ ^f ituw&Êifïfty
{feet by;forty «djive.;. each end. isTorrned ^yiifottrifloi^jpQftsnfefidi ftetipfindiçularly
<$tola#yhi ‘the gpoundv The éö^ner. ënës are plain,; and ftipport a bean?
of t te #h©fe length, h&virtgehree intermediate* pro^s o® each fide; tot of
a’ lavgef/'fi'^e, and-height of hfee fe it in height.. Thé two eetitfe poftsi- at
êWch'eiïd« afe' twë feet?wn^a’ö half* ift diameter, and carved into human
figures,./FtfppOftrog two ridge poles on their heads, at twelve feet front
the' grtond* 'TKePftguvesuat the" ®pper\ par* ofotfois fijuare repTrefent twb
perforfs/ with their hands upon ^te:«ineesj.rihst1 if thèy fupported' the
weigteiiwk& paihrjdnd|fdiflfeEdity: thé others oppofiteTto* them ftand
afi th ik èatófiwfflh their/ hands reftihgooniftheir hipsd In. the. area of
the huildinSgitfepre wins: the remains of federal fifces.. The pofts> poles*
gfid trgitt&y wye ipaintedrimd and blackp but? .thf fehlpture ofuthefé
pfebplf-ife fepeiïoF-tó their painting.
;> iSoo«ïafter;I bad'retired.to reft: la i nighty the eHief paid . nàe,a vifit; tot Friday ig,
infift èra my/goihgdo his bed-ëömpanion, and taking my .place himfelfÿ
tot* nntvMîritendïngïhis; repeated entreaties^ I nefiftèd; this c& rip g of his
At ân early hour this motning I was again vifited by th é 'chief, in company
witHlhis fob. cTheTormër Gomplaihédl oF à paintin Hlibreafty to
jehëvé Kis fuffeifeg, I gave him a few’dropSibfiTurlingttoslBalfam o n a
piééfecif fagari? and Lwastrathër fu rp riM to fed him take it without the
Igaft hdfitawonv; .' When hè .had Hak en ^y mèdicine^feè retjueftéd mekc»
''§3lt4^^toi>àhâôè<Nidtiâed'. m v to avlhed, ïwhére feveMt-pe©ptè'\«re!b;fe
ferobleddomtd aifick man, who wasanOiher of his femii T h è y immédiatety
aacovered;/him, and Ihewed me a violent ulcer in ïthë finall ofi brshaek/
in th'e. fouleft ftate th a t can be imaginèd..’ One of his: knëé&/w^w|alfo;
U u 2. afiliSed1