Mm. him tö Sbta&ifees "he" fefcnl«d.i6^>ofe^'«? sp-
— i pfoach as if he knew us; and -then, on a foddeft, he! wöüld tuM^äWay,
as if alarmed at o A ” appeaMiSc#P*;* 'I'fe |)^f'‘fanifMl;',:W®*', r'@ddeted
almoft to a’ Ikeleton,' and yre 0<^^^yi'droj)pdl'fca*^teg»«0‘'iiJ^«t
■ him, and by degrees herfecovCred his fortrier Fagacity; ■ &*
When1 the nightr came on we flopped’at a {mail diftaueef fröm.the river,
bat did hot venture' to make a ififtfe Every1!-man took his .treej’ anikl&id
down in his' clothes,' and with his aims, beneath the (hade of its»b'ra!nbhes.
We had removed it© a &ort d[ftanee&qm;tfehpathi;»Oteehtinel wa&npw
appointed, and ewry vlätdL^aflhih ^ h JaFetyt^'i
rrid*y *6. After a very reMefs, asibon
as day appeared, and!walked on’ with alllpoffild^i eKpediiion, tiMvAvd igot
to the npper/which iwe now: called;Eriendlyc^iltegeji apdi wascäter{ßÄ
we vifited on onr: outward journeys !
It was eight m the morning~of a very fine dajr Ü&J
found a very material alteration in the place fince we left it. Five additional
hoüfeshad been -erefited and"-Wbreffilfed; With fähhöSi f therm*
creale of inhabitants was in' thePfanae pid^ortioh. :We W@f#1 feceivSd
with great'kindbefs, and a meflengeywas'Äf^atbhed' to inform th& chief,
whofe name was SöoconÄkk, and whowas then at hisfiffiihgW^rj, öf
arrival. He immediately retarded to the village to confirm the cordial reception
of his pedplö; > arid having Göhduftfed'ms to his houfe, fotöftMned'
us with the möftlt-efpoßfül hpfj-fitälityl ' In jhdrii he behaved^fo%s'%itli
fo much attention and kindnefs, that I did not withhold- any thlrig ift’ ;tny
’ - power
power to give, which might afford him fatisfpflion. 11 prefented him with
two yards of( blue, cloth,, ap.axe, knives, and various other.articles. He
g^vet,me in return ajarge.ffiell whic^^el'ernbled the under fhell of
a Gnernfey oyfter, but fornewhat larger. J^VJiere they procure them I
could not difco,ver,.but they.cut and.poliffi them for^racelets, ear-rings,
and other perfonal ornaments. He regretted that th„e, had n 9 fea-otter
/kins to give me, but engaged to. provide abundance ,qf .them whenever
either my friends or myfelf fhoujd return by %a m an gxpeftation which
i right to encourage among thefe people. He alip earneffly
requelled me to bring him a gun and ammuni^pn. I might have procured,
many curious articles at this place, but was; presented bv the cpp-
fideration that ,we muff have carried them, on opr- backs upwards of, three
hundred miles through, a mountainous country. The young chjef, to
his other a£ts of kindnefs, added as Largp a fupply of fiffi as we chofe to
Our; vfptidid not* occafionany particular interruption of the ordinary
occupation of the people ; efpecially of jthe women,,who were employed
in boiling forrel, and different kinds of berries,,with la] mon-Poes,, in large
fquare, kettles, of cedar wood. This pottage, whpn it .attained p. pertain
confifteney^ they took out with ladles, and frames of, about
twelve inches fquare and one deep, the bpttom being covered5 with a
large leaf, which were then expofed to the funrill their' qonteqts became fo
many dried cakes. The |oe$ that are mixed up with the bitter berries, are
prepared in the fame way. .From the quaptity o f this kind(ofnrovifion,
ft muff he a principal article of food, and .probably of traffic. Thefe
people have alfo portable chefts of cedar, in which th^y pack them, as
3 B ! Well