quarter, South-South^ Efaft hall a mife|t^i|LrEafl a quarter of a mile,
when wê landed to take ^ aMtude for timei: We continued oar, routte
at SOuth-Eafl by Ealt ©f a mife and laJuded agate to cfe
terfeine the latitude, which is .51. T o this I add* Southing^
which will makethe place b f taking altitude for time .55 $6. With
which I find that my tim^gKC© wfssafiow; ifo $2» Jgi'apparüBttitefljjAnd
made the longitude obtained is2i 3^4»$o;.Weft:®fi; Greenwich.
From this plane we proceeded Eaft by- Southr four miles andamhalf’.
Eaft-Soutte-BaflF oh© mifefand an haUf) in which tfpaeéjlhiÉRCffliHii in a
final - river from ‘the iteftl, Ball haürsa fmife^SauthhBajft isS mikr aöjfcafcu
half, Eaft a quarter o f a mile, rand^ehcampedyht Even, o’eteekv Mr;
Maekay and the hunters walked thergf eateft part o f the day„ and in thé
eourie. o f their e^curfipn killed ^jpeajenpihe.^, Here wefbunlUthfelbed
of a very large bear quite ikelh. : During the day'tever.al I ndi&n. encampr
ment» were fern, which: were o f a late CEt^iedific>1Bheti©uB?enthad alf^-
loll fome of its impetuofity during Aeigweateii part ©f'ilfedayjim
Saturday g;. jj It rained and thundered through the &aight,ahd a t the; #orn^
teg we again encountered the current, r Our courfcwas Eaft asqnarter of
a mile, round to South by Eaft, aldng avery high;White fandy hdnk on
the Eaft Ihore, three qsaartersofa mite* Sputhw&outteEaRa qJaarter qf a.
mite, Spiith-SoutVWefli a/quarter o f a mite,. South-SoutteEaft; one mite
and a quarter, Sottfch-Eafl tWoimilesi.wrth-aüflacfe cmmnt^j S outh-Eaft by
* W e had been obliged to indulge, out hunters witsji?fitting idfe in- the caaoevleft theiirbeihg Gom,
pelled to fhare in p ie labour o f navigating it .fhould dffguit and drive thern from us. W e , therefore,
employed them as much'as poffible on fhere,as;jyelj to ptfoeure provififlQa as to lighten the canoe..
Eatft two :mife§! mfed‘ &Kl^a^er,Eaftia quartei of a mite, South-South- |7|3 -
Ekft a qOiartetcofa mite; SomhhBfiifNhy South'fOxir miles and an half, *--- i®— '
Soufch-*Eaft ©n^ttoite' and an half/ SOufteSouth-Weft half a mile, Eaft-
Ife#th>Efft half a ihiteiiEalb-South-Eaft a quarter of a mite, .SoutfbEaft
bydSo&Etene ®aiidi,*SO»h-Eaffbby Ea$rhhtf*afte*k/ E&lFby Southtthree
quaf-tetfs fefita mil«, 'At'thisidihfc«^
donjf a&cfiEaflward. ' For'/the? three 1 ^ - days'w^^uld*’Only fee-them at
fhbrt Intervals SNad-lbirgdifterMfefc; • lkflt dll* bdteihMlly
•bhightJ 'en ekher fidtelffom *o«r encrahee* ifctok the £6tk. Thole to ih b
left were ai-no'gredt diftapee-'frdm1 us; jp
•anxioufty{5dokirif‘qut for the can-
tyjn^pteedv but coif Id mot di and t»rcbifty hbpbj W ^tefiteh
tefoimatfoks# me fhonld be able to procutp frorftthe t&tiVesGP A ll that
remaitied-foriuSi t$.da/>watf'tb pafti fotwhfds tiRKesm-er fteuH be'mb
Ibifgferihafig^bte:- tehad-r^pindeed/Overflbwed its banks,tHbitehat it
was oighbat nightbefore® We-could difeover* a place tb- eadathp^- Haying
found plenty of wild parMp% we gathered the tdpS, and boiled -tfteifc,
e«ntik pemamcan'far '©**£ fu p per.
;;; The rain .©f rfeifc-mmrifotg -tmtoffiSbe&'fa an heavy mift a* h a lf;paft Sunday
• ;ferb,''t»'heniTviorertb^kbdvaikl'-^i^l-'Sdfatb^Ea# ©ne triite ahd ah Mif,
when it^teeddd SoithHEAffi^# |tlarte#s
. [of a mite, MzSt by “Sbuth tfetbe quartet«^f!a m'ite, Eaft-South-Eaft a
quarteri-af a mile, South-South-Eaft a quarter ©f a mile, Sout-h-Eaft by
Eaft one mflq’Nqrth'.'Eaft by Ea€ half a mi% »lbMhTaft by E ^ . balfd
p ie ; *SouthiEaft by South \thfee *qua#te#: b f a ; SbiitteEaft^ threequarters.